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Severe Cough: Where It Comes from and What Helps
A severe cough is not only annoying, it also puts a strain on the body. Here you can find out where the complaints come from and how you can get them under…
Stress Management: 7 Ways to Get Rid of Stress
With the right stress management we learn to cope better with everyday stress. We reveal seven strategies for the right stress management.
What is Stress…
Mugwort: Effect and Use of The Medicinal Herb
Mugwort has various effects as a medicinal herb and can be used internally and externally in various areas. We explain what the herb is good for!
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: How it Works
Progressive muscle relaxation is considered a relaxation technique that can help to effectively reduce stress. We explain how it works.
What is Progressive…
Fibromyalgia: Symptoms and Possible Causes
Fibromyalgia symptoms can severely restrict the lives of those affected. You can find out here which symptoms there are, how the disease develops and what…
Nausea: How Does it Develop and What Helps?
Nausea is not a disease, as is often assumed, but a symptom. Through the unpleasant feeling the body tries to tell us that something is wrong. Here you can find…
Stress Symptoms and Consequences at a Glance
Persistent stress can have a negative effect on health. We explain how to recognise stress symptoms and what consequences stress can have.
What is Stress?…
Losing Weight during Menopause: That’s How It Works!
Losing weight during the menopause is particularly difficult because there are many hormonal changes in the body. But it is not impossible - with these tips it…
Woman is Immune to Alzheimer’s – Can We Cure the Disease Soon?
Science has been looking for ways to cure Alzheimer's for years. Now the breakthrough could come - thanks to a woman who seems to be immune to the disease.…
Onion Juice: How to Make Cough Syrup Yourself
Onion juice is a natural household remedy that puts a stop to coughing! Onions and sugar can easily be made into a cough syrup that has no harmful side effects.…