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Aphthous Ulcers (Aphthae) in The Mouth: Causes and Treatments
Aphthae are small ulcers that mainly affect the oral mucosa. We will tell you how they develop and how you can get rid of them!
What are Aphthous Ulcers?…
Tension Headaches: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Tension headaches are the most common of the various types of headache. You can find out here how the complaints develop and what helps against them.
These 8 Things You Should Clean After an Illness
When we have finally overcome a nasty illness, we should definitely clean some things in our household. These 9 things are real germ traps!
Whether it's…
Body Temperature: Which Values are Normal?
The body temperature of a human being says a lot about his state of health. We explain what is normal and what else you should know.
Why is our body…
Tomato Diet: Lose Weight with The Super Vegetables
With the tomato diet, several kilos should fall in just a few days. We explain the concept and reveal whether you can actually lose weight permanently with this…
Taking a Temperature: The Right Way to Do It
What is the best place to take a temperature? And which thermometer is best? Here you can find out how to take your body temperature correctly.
Fever: Common Causes and Treatment
Fever is a sign that the body's immune system is fighting against pathogens. We reveal causes and how to treat fever.
What is fever?
Fever describes a…
Detoxify Naturally: It’s That Easy!
Detoxify naturally - and thus rid the body of superfluous pollutants that we absorb through our environment. We explain how this works!
How does the body…
Lose Weight by Jogging: Run away The Kilo!
Losing weight by jogging is effective and economical. With our program you can quickly and easily get fit and lose a few kilos in a short time!
It is…
Eating out of Boredom: 5 Tips to Help!
Often we do not snack because we are hungry, but because we are bored or stressed. What you can do about it...
Finally, quitting work and getting on the…