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Reflux: What is it and what helps against it?
In so-called reflux, gastric acid runs back into the oesophagus, which can cause unpleasant symptoms. We explain the causes and what helps.
What is a…
Inhalation: This is how it works
Inhalation helps us to clear the airways when we have a cold, cough and so on. How to inhale correctly is explained here.
Why would we inhale?
Safflower Oil: Effect and Uses
Safflower oil is considered a healthy vegetable oil. If you don't know it yet, you can find out all about its effects and uses here.
Background of…
Sirtfood: Lose Weight and Stay Healthy
The Sirtfood diet is based on protein, promises rapid weight loss and is also intended to strengthen our immune system. How exactly is this supposed to work?…
Lemon Oil: Effect and Application
Not everyone uses lemon oil, although it offers many advantages. You can find out everything about its effect and application here.
Lemon oil: What is it?…
Detergent Allergy: How to Recognize Them!
A detergent allergy can cause various complaints. Here you can find out all about the possible symptoms, causes and treatment options!
What is a detergent…
Lose Weight: Secret Ingredient Turns Coffee into Fat Burner
How nice would it be if we did everything as usual and suddenly got rid of the bacon rolls that bothered us?! The dream could come true: With our slimming…
Misophonia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Those who suffer from misophonia experience certain everyday sounds as agony. How the hypersensitivity arises and what helps against it, we will reveal here.…
Sunday Blues? 5 Tips for Good Mood!
The Sunday blues makes sure that we are already in a bad mood on Sunday because Monday is approaching. With these tips you will get rid of it!
Febrile Seizure (Febrile Convulsion): What is It and What Helps?
Babies and infants are particularly affected by febrile convulsions. The cramps often cause horror for the parents, but are usually harmless.
What is a…