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Crash Diet: Can I Lose Weight in The Long Run?
A crash diet often promises heavy weight loss in just a few days. But does that really work? And does the weight lost not really come back?
Five kilos in…
Sinusitis: Home Remedies That Help
The unpleasant symptoms of the disease can be alleviated in a gentle way by using sinusitis home remedies. These home remedies have proven their worth!…
These 7 Spices Help You Lose Weight!
Clearly, a healthy diet and exercise are the key to long-term weight loss. But these spices can support the process and boost the metabolism!
Frontal Sinusitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
A sinus infection often develops from a cold and causes, among other things, severe headaches. This is how you get rid of the complaints!
What is frontal…
Metabolic Diet: Does It Help to Lose Weight?
The metabolic diet is designed to boost the metabolism and thus make weight loss easier. We reveal whether this really works and how the diet works.
Early Detection of Cervical Cancer | This Must Be Considered
Once a year for a smear test, this is what early detection of cervical cancer used to look like. Thanks to a new method, we will soon have to go there less…
This Sleeping Habit Makes You Fat!
If you sleep enough, you help lose weight. But a new study now proves that a certain sleeping habit can also make us fat!
Slender in sleep has been…
Quickly Lose Weight Through Protein Trick
Diets that rely on the power of proteins are a dime a dozen. Slim in your sleep, for example. And the concept works, as a new study from the US National Library…
Losing Weight without Sport
Losing weight without sport: What sounds like a mere dream of all spotty people is actually possible. With our tips, the kilos in everyday life will fall…
Heartburn: Causes and What Helps
Heartburn is a common problem. We explain which causes can be responsible for the unpleasant symptoms and what helps.
What is heartburn?
In heartburn,…