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Almased Diet: Finally Lose Weight with Shakes?
The Almased diet belongs to the so-called formula diets, where meals are replaced by shakes. We reveal what's behind it.
Almased diet: Losing weight with…
Allergic Reaction: What Helps in an Emergency?
An allergic reaction can, at worst, become an emergency. How to assess the situation correctly and what helps then, you will learn here.
What is an…
Sleep Disorder Causes: The 7 Most Frequent
Sometimes we lie wide awake in bed and the sleep just doesn't want to and won't come. These 7 sleep disorder causes are often to blame!
Sleep disorder…
Pain in The Legs: Where Do They Come From?
Pain in the legs can have many causes. You can find out here what the typical causes are and how you can quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.
What to do for Joint Pain?
It cracks, it crunches, it hurts - in the wrist, elbow or fingers. Where does it come from? And what can you do about joint pain?
Only a few people today…
Mascara Damages Your Eyes!
Many women use mascara for the perfect look. However, those who apply eye make-up daily risk health risks, as doctors warn.
Many women spend years in…
Tinnitus Treatment: Bye Bye Ear Noises
Through tinnitus treatment, the tinnitus often disappears or at least becomes less. We tell you how to get rid of the tinnitus!
What is tinnitus anyway?…
Testosterone Deficiency in Women: That Helps!
A testosterone deficiency in women can have health consequences for the body. We explain how you can recognize the deficiency and what can help.…
Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia): Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies
Difficulty swallowing is not only annoying, it can also be dangerous. Here you can find out everything you need to know about the disturbed swallowing.…
Nickel Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment
A nickel allergy causes symptoms such as redness and itching of the skin. We explain which symptoms the allergy still has and which treatment helps.