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A Quick Overview of Depression Symptoms
The symptoms of depression are usually quite unspecific at first. We will tell you which signs you should pay particular attention to and what helps.
Nail Fungus: This Helps Against The Stubborn Fungal Pathogen!
Nail fungus is an extremely unpleasant and persistent disease that can occur on the toenails and fingernails. We will explain to you how to prevent nail fungus…
Nail Fungus: Home Remedies and Their Use
Nail fungus can spread quickly and must be treated. Here we explain which home remedies can help against fungal nail fungus.
Nail fungus: What is that?…
Bland Diet: This Way You Relieve Your Digestion
Bland diet (also known as light diet) relieves the digestive system and is therefore often used for diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. We explain…
What Home Remedies Can Stop Flatulence?
Flatulence is annoying and can become very unpleasant in some situations. You can find out here which home remedies help against flatulence and how you can best…
A Quick Overview of Burnout Symptoms
There are various burnout symptoms, which can be both physical and psychological. We explain possible complaints in an overview.
What is a burnout and who…
This Little Word Helps You Lose Weight
Especially when we want to lose weight, it is often twice as difficult for us to do without. However, according to a study, one little word helps us to control…
Nutrition for Fatty Liver: 4 Important Rules
Overweight and diabetes are well-known social problems. A fatty liver, however, is often misunderstood. You can find out what's behind it here.
7 Myths About Sweat
Probably nobody can stand him, but we can't escape our sweat either. We will explain seven myths of this unpleasant phenomenon.
If there are some…
Heel Spur Treatment and Home Remedies
The foot hurts when you step on it? There could be a heel spur behind it! We will show you here which treatment options are available and what you can do at…