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Painful Menstrual Periods: Relief and The Best Tips
Menstrual pain can be gently relieved. The best tips against stomach cramps, back pain, nausea - so that the "days" do not become a torture.
Spoon Trick Gives Information About Your Health
You're not sure if you're just tired or already sick? Then do the spoon trick that tells you about your health.
For days you have had such an indefinable…
These 5 Hobbies Improve Your Health
Besides work, we all need a balance that keeps us healthy. These 5 hobbies do not only keep you fit, they even improve your health.
Cooking has…
Neck Tension: You Can Do That!
Neck tension are unpleasant, painful and cannot always be relieved with home remedies. We inform you about the triggers and what you can do about it.
18 Habits That Make Losing Weight Difficult
Despite numerous dietary tips, very few people reach their desired weight. It is quite possible that the following 18 habits sabotage weight loss.
1. Too…
Carbohydrates: All You Need to Know
Crispy rolls, delicious pasta: We love carbohydrates, but they are not suitable for losing weight. Or are they? The most important facts.
Are all…
Frozen Shoulder: How Acupuncture Helps with Stiff Shoulders
It comes uninvited and stays for a long time: the stiff shoulder or frozen shoulder. If you want to get rid of them faster, you should try acupuncture.…
Spices Against Osteoarthritis: Effectively Relieve Joint Pain
Osteoarthritis is a burden for many of those affected. You can find out here which spices can help against osteoarthritis complaints.
Painful knees,…
Home Remedies for Earaches: What Really Helps?
Earaches can be a damn nuisance and a long time in coming. Here you can find out what home remedies for earaches really do the trick.
Do I need to see a…
What Causes a Coated Tongue: How to Get Rid of It
Each of us has probably had a coating on the tongue. You can find out here when it is harmless and when you better go to the doctor.