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What does it mean when your eyelid twitches?
We all know it: Every now and then our eyelids start to twitch for unknown reasons. Take a look at the article and see what (harmless) reasons can be behind the…
Milk Thistle: Effects and Areas of Application
Milk thistle is often used as a medicinal plant for the liver. But is it really suitable for detoxification? You can find out here what effects it has.…
Pueraria Mirifica: What It Is and What It Can Do
The medicinal plant with the name Pueraria mirifica, which takes some getting used to, is regarded as an effective therapy in the menopause. What is it?…
Winter Blues: 8 Tips for a Better Mood
When the mood is in the basement, everyone has their own recipe or ritual. But are lavender baths or meditation more than just a matter of faith? We have…
Asparagus in Urine: Why Does It Smell So Funny?
Asparagus time at last - full of white gold! But when we have eaten asparagus, our urine smells strangely. Why is that?
Every year at asparagus time we…
Tattoo Allergy: All Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
A tattoo allergy can ruin the dream of a beautiful tattoo. How you recognize the allergy and what helps against it, we tell you here.
What is a tattoo…
Depression Treatment With Nasal Spray
For some people with severe depression, the drugs available to date are not effective. A new nasal spray should now help these patients.
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): 3 Home Remedies That Help
The eye is sensitive, reddened and itches: conjunctivitis (pink eye) is extremely unpleasant for those affected. We will tell you here which home remedies…
Dog Allergy: Causes and Treatment
A dog allergy is particularly unpleasant for those affected. We explain what causes a dog allergy can have and which treatment helps.
What is a dog…
Skin Rash: Causes and Treatment
What are the causes of a skin rash? How does it manifest itself? And what treatments can I use to get rid of it? That's what we are telling you here!