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Incontinence: What to Do and How to Prevent It?
Why incontinence sometimes gets better when you treat for a urinary tract infection - even though it doesn't burn at all. What else can we do about incontinence…
Eye Twitching: You Can Do That
Eye twitching is unpleasant and there is nothing you can do about it. Or can there? We'll show you what you should do to stop your eyelid from twitching!…
Muscle Twitching: That’s The Reason
Twitching in the eye or in the leg? Muscle twitching can have various causes. You can find out what they are and what you can do here.
Muscle twitching:…
Learn Hypnosis without Any Training: How Does It Work?
You are asking yourself: Can I learn hypnosis without any training? We'll tell you the possibilities!
Learning hypnosis: What are the possibilities?…
Get up Early: 4 Tips to Get Out of Bed Better!
Who likes to get up in the morning? If you're not an early riser, we'll give you four great tips on how to get up early, even if you're not an early riser.…
Life Kinetics: Training for Body and Brain
The new movement training life kinetics makes not only our body fit. The curious appearing exercises can also get our brain going.
Our brain can be…
Sauna for Colds: Is It Really Healthy?
Can I go to the sauna if I have a cold? Is it possible to sweat out the pathogens? You can find out here what is good and what you should better avoid.…
Ear Candles: Tips for Use!
Candles for the ears? You're wondering: What can I use them for my ear and what do I do? We give you tips on how to use ear candles.
Ear candles…
Paronychia: Home Remedies for Treatment
It hurts, is sensitive to pressure and simply unpleasant: nail bed inflammation (paronychia). Home remedies can help it to subside - you can find out what they…
Losing Weight without Sugar: What Does It Really Bring?
Whether chocolate, cake or chips - sweet temptations lurk everywhere. Losing weight without sugar is without question a challenge, but it's worth it!…