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Walking Barefoot: That’s Why It’s So Healthy
Walking barefoot is only possible on the beach? You thought wrong. Because not wearing shoes can have a positive effect on your health.
In summer it can…
Ideal Weight: 6 Habits That People with Top Form Have in Common
What do people who have reached their personal feel-good weight have in common? A team of experts from Cornell University addressed this question.
How Dangerous is Aluminium? All Facts
Whether aluminium salts in deodorants are harmful to health has been a matter of debate for some time. But how dangerous are coffee capsules, barbecue trays or…
Egg Allergy: What You Should Know About It
The egg allergy is one of the most common food allergies in children. Here you can find out the causes, the symptoms and what can help.
What is egg…
Get Rid of Back Fat: This is How The Fat Pads Disappear
Fat pads on the back are harmless, but annoying. Although we can't burn back fat specifically, these tips will help you reach your goal faster.
Period Hacks: 15 Tricks Against Nasty Menstrual Cramps
About 400 times in life we get our period. That is at least 400 days when we feel bad. Lousy record! Not with us!
1. Drinking tea
A tea made from lady's…
Concentration Disorders: The Brain Goes on Strike
If the thoughts often wander, concentration problems can be behind it. What are the causes and how do you get rid of them?
Concentration problems can be…
Toxic Shock Syndrome: When The Tampon Becomes a Disaster
Millions of women use tampons during their periods. One English woman suffered toxic shock syndrome. What are the symptoms of a TSS?
Toxic shock syndrome:…
5 Surprising Reasons for Chronic Pain
Experts estimate that between five and eight million people in Germany suffer from chronic pain. We have filtered out five surprising reasons for the pain…
How Loneliness Affects Our Body
Many people know the feeling of loneliness - more or less pronounced. But when social isolation becomes a permanent condition, it has negative consequences for…