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Great Change: She Lost 77 Kilos and Her Face Has Halved
Kaylee once weighed 220 kilos. But then the doctors warned her that her life was at stake. Now she has declared war on the kilos and you can see that especially…
Is It Safe to Eat Food That’s Dropped to the Floor?
Do you know this one? You're looking forward to a tasty snack, want to shove it into your mouth with pleasure - and then this: At the last second, the food haps…
7 Foods for Headaches
Next time, don't take the pain pill right away, but a portion of dates: We'll give you seven different foods for a headache!
People who suffer from…
5 Things You Should Avoid During Your Period
During your period, your body is under constant stress. In order not to burden yourself even more, you should better avoid these 5 things.
These 3 Breathing Techniques Relieve Your Stress
People who suffer from stress destroy their personal respiratory flow. We will tell you three breathing techniques that will help you relax.
Most people…
What Sudden Caffeine Withdrawal Does to Your Body
Coffee junkies watch out: We'll explain why you shouldn't go into complete overnight caffeine withdrawal and what the caffeine withdrawal does.
This Tattoo Can Save Lives
The tattoo artist Peter Zsoldos stings free tattoos for diabetics. In emergencies, the works of art can help doctors with the right treatment.
A blue…
Colon Cleansing: Instructions and The Best Tips
With an colon cleansing a disturbed intestinal flora can be brought back into balance. With these instructions, colon cleansing at home is successful.
Can I Lose Weight Through Vegan Nutrition without Hunger?
Many people have been able to lose weight by switching to a vegan diet. But why does that work? Researchers have now found an answer.
Atilla Hildmann…
Preventing Sun Allergy: 4 Practical Tips
For many of us, summer is the most beautiful time. But beware of the sun! Here you can find out how you can prevent an allergy to the sun.
Preventing sun…