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Colon Cleansing: Instructions and The Best Tips
With an colon cleansing a disturbed intestinal flora can be brought back into balance. With these instructions, colon cleansing at home is successful.
Can I Lose Weight Through Vegan Nutrition without Hunger?
Many people have been able to lose weight by switching to a vegan diet. But why does that work? Researchers have now found an answer.
Atilla Hildmann…
Preventing Sun Allergy: 4 Practical Tips
For many of us, summer is the most beautiful time. But beware of the sun! Here you can find out how you can prevent an allergy to the sun.
Preventing sun…
Why a Banana Peel Can Help Against Migraine
Millions of people regularly suffer from migraine attacks. If you don't want to fill yourself up with painkillers, you should give this home remedy a chance ...…
This Fruit Relieves Your Period Pains
Do you automatically take ibuprofen etc. when your period comes? Then you should try this fruit, which can relieve menstrual pain.
There are a number of…
Do Sweeteners Increase The Risk of Stroke?
Many prefer to take diet soda rather than "normal" soda. Now a new study has shown the sweeteners in diet soda can be far more dangerous than sugar.…
Does The Coronavirus Cause Kawasaki Syndrome in Children?
In several European countries and in the USA, children suffer from severe inflammation, which is reminiscent of the Kawasaki syndrome. Is the coronavirus to…
Infected Piercing: That’s How You Take Care of It!
If a piercing is infected, it is mostly unpleasant and sometimes painful. What you can do and when you should definitely go to the doctor.
A Piercing ignites…
Tongue Bumps: How to Get Rid of Them
Tongue bumps are really irritating. How they develop and what you can do about the bumps? We'll explain it to you.
Everyone probably knows pimples on the…
Itchy Scalp: Causes and Home Remedies
An itchy scalp can be annoying. It is important to clarify the causes. We reveal first aid measures.
Itchy scalp: When it itches and leaves us no peace…