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Migraine: More Than a Headache
The excruciating pain of a migraine can drive us mad. But what exactly is a migraine anyway? And what symptoms indicate this form of headache?
High Blood Pressure: What You Should Know About The Disease
High blood pressure is a common disease: estimated 103 million U.S. adults are said to be affected by the vascular disease. We give you the most important…
5 Reasons for Breast Pain (Apart from Cancer)
Anyone who suffers from chest pain does not automatically have to be suffering from cancer. We will explain the five most common reasons for unpleasant breast…
Which Painkillers for Which Complaints?
Anyone who has headaches, back problems or fever likes to take over-the-counter painkillers. But which are suitable for which complaints?
Painkillers are…
Spotting Instead of Period: Causes and More
If spotting occurs instead of the period, this does not necessarily mean something bad immediately. You can find out the possible causes here!
Pasta or Fries? Which is The Better Choice?
You always oscillate between pasta and fries? This has got to stop! A new US study has now found out which carbohydrates are best suited for your cheat day.…
What Yawning Says About Our Intelligence
Yawning is not only contagious,, but is also supposed to tell us something about our intelligence. This has now been discovered by US experts.
We yawn…
These 5 Tips Will Help You Burn Calories By Doing Nothing
Burning calories on the couch? Sounds too good to be true. We're gonna give you five tips on how to lose weight doing nothing.
1. Green tea
5 Things That Slim Women Do Differently When Eating
How do some women manage to stay slim? We'll show you five things that make them different when they eat.
1. Water instead of soft drinks
Slim women…
5 Habits That Help Your Body Detox
When our detoxification organs like liver and kidneys are overtaxed, it is time for a detox program. With the following 5 habits you help your body to detox.…