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4 Effective Yoga Exercises Against Menstrual Cramps
Many women suffer from menstrual cramps during their periods. Besides warmth and relaxation, these yoga exercises also help to alleviate the discomfort.…
What to Expect at Your First Gynecological Exam, Step by Step
The first visit to the gynecologist after the pregnancy test at home - quite exciting! Here you can find out what to expect there.
Why a gynecologist?…
This is What Happens When You Drink 25 Cups of Coffee a Day
Coffee is healthy - but only in moderation, as it has long been said. According to a new study, this assumption is outdated. We reveal how much coffee is okay…
Biting Nails is a Sign of This Personality Trait
You think nail-biting is a sign of nervousness? Then you're wrong. Because this bad habit suggests the following personality trait!
As a study published…
Magnesium Deficiency: What You Can Do About It
A magnesium deficiency can manifest itself in different ways. We will give you an overview of causes and symptoms - and what you can do about the deficiency.…
5 Vegetables That Are not as Healthy as Expected
Do you think you are doing your body a favor by eating vegetables? Not necessarily! The following vegetables are not as healthy as always assumed.
Migraine: More Than a Headache
The excruciating pain of a migraine can drive us mad. But what exactly is a migraine anyway? And what symptoms indicate this form of headache?
High Blood Pressure: What You Should Know About The Disease
High blood pressure is a common disease: estimated 103 million U.S. adults are said to be affected by the vascular disease. We give you the most important…
5 Reasons for Breast Pain (Apart from Cancer)
Anyone who suffers from chest pain does not automatically have to be suffering from cancer. We will explain the five most common reasons for unpleasant breast…
Which Painkillers for Which Complaints?
Anyone who has headaches, back problems or fever likes to take over-the-counter painkillers. But which are suitable for which complaints?
Painkillers are…