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7 Things You Can Turn Into Ice Cubes
We all know ice cubes made of water. But there are other ways. Everyone should have these 7 things in stock in summer, so that you can enjoy them ice-cold.…
How to Overcome Your Fear of Flying
We all look forward to holidays, but for some of us the way to the holiday destination can be a torture. Especially if you board a plane. Here are the best tips…
10 Foods You Should Not Refrigerate
Which food is allowed in the refrigerator - and which not? There is often disagreement on this issue. These 10 foods are better not to be refrigerated.
The Time of Your First Period Determines Your Life Span
As a new study has now found out, the time of the first menstruation and the beginning of the menopause are related to life span. But how can this be?
The 13 Best Foods for a Healthy Start to The Day
A healthy breakfast gives energy and lets us start the day satisfied and without increased appetite attacks. You should place your bets on the following 13…
6 Ways to Beat the Afternoon Slump
Who doesn't know? After an extensive lunch, many of us fall straight into the afternoon slump. With these tips you can avoid the "afternoon slump".
What to Expect at Your First Gynecological Exam, Step by Step
The first visit to the gynecologist after the pregnancy test at home - quite exciting! Here you can find out what to expect there.
Why a gynecologist?…
This is What Happens When You Drink 25 Cups of Coffee a Day
Coffee is healthy - but only in moderation, as it has long been said. According to a new study, this assumption is outdated. We reveal how much coffee is okay…
Biting Nails is a Sign of This Personality Trait
You think nail-biting is a sign of nervousness? Then you're wrong. Because this bad habit suggests the following personality trait!
As a study published…
Magnesium Deficiency: What You Can Do About It
A magnesium deficiency can manifest itself in different ways. We will give you an overview of causes and symptoms - and what you can do about the deficiency.…