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The 5:2 Fasting Diet for Weight Loss
Behind the 5:2 diet is a simple weight loss strategy: you can feast for five days, the rest of the week you fast. Can that work?
What's the 5:2 diet?…
8 Things You Might Not Know About Eating Disorders
As different as eating disorders may be, they all have one thing in common: eating determines the life of those affected. We reveal 8 things you should know…
Weight Loss Success Stories: Inspiring Before & After Pics
Looking for the inspiration to lose a few pounds yourself? Then take a look at the following before-and-after photos, that show: we can all lose weight if we…
5 Facts Worth Knowing About Fructose
When we talk about fructose, it has long since ceased to be just a question of fruit sugar in bananas and the like. In the following we will tell you five facts…
What Position We Need to Choose When Sitting on a Toilet
We've been sitting on the wrong side of the toilet all our lives - experts have now discovered this. In the following you will find out what you have to…
Whole Grains Help You Live Longer
Most people know that whole grain is healthy. However, experts have now carried out a study to find out why we should integrate whole grain into our everyday…
10 Small Habits That Have A Huge Return On Health
We do not have to change our entire lifestyle to do something good for our health. Rather, it is the small habits that have a great health impact.
1. Sun…
5 Mistakes When Weighing Yourself
You think you can do little wrong with weighing? Far from it! We've put together some clever tips to help reduce the frustration of weighing to a minimum.…
How Safe Are Dog Kisses?
Many dog owners let their dog lick them over the face. Such a "kiss" of the four-legged friend is highly questionable from a hygienic point of view - and can…
Why Sighing is Important for Your Health
Whether it's constant rain, a heat wave or a new love: there are many things that make us sigh in our everyday lives. A habit that scientists say is extremely…