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Why You’re Gaining Weight: 8 Reasons for Sudden Weight Gain
Stress, grief, puberty, pregnancy or menopause - eight typical situations in which we can suddenly gain weight. But you can do something about sudden weight…
Diets Overview: From Food Combining to Macrobiotics
Man is what he eats, as the saying goes. But which of the many forms of nutrition is the right one? Raw food, macrobiotics or food combining - here you will…
Do I Have to Change My Tampon After Every Visit to The Toilet?
Most women have long known how often they have to change their tampons each day, but one question often remains unanswered: Does the hygiene product have to be…
Do You Hate Running? Then Try one of These Workouts!
You just can't bring yourself to put on the running clothes and jog under the open sky? Then maybe one of the following three workouts is right for you.
How to Clean Your Kitchen for Weight Loss
Have you tried everything to lose weight, but it just doesn't work? Then maybe it's the chaos in your kitchen, scientists say.
Losing weight starts in the…
4 Tips for Proper Running Form
Could your posture be more upright when running and do your feet shuffle too much on the ground? Running properly is no longer a problem with our exercises.…
Apple Diet: Can You Lose Weight Quickly with It?
With the apple diet there are only apples on the menu - is that healthy? And are there moderate alternatives? What makes the apple so valuable when losing…
Fitness at Home: The Best Program!
Perfect fitness at home - without aids: This workout tightens the body and stimulates the fat metabolism with endurance exercises.
Why we should train at…
Running: The Training Plan for Beginners
Something always kept you from running until now? With this training plan for beginners you can do it! And endurance increases in no time.
Running for…
Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others
Are you one of the people preferred by mosquitoes? The reason is not the sweet blood. Which factors play a role instead, you will find out in the following.…