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12 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
After the time change many people suffer from lack of sleep. Your body sends the following 12 signals when you have not spent enough time in bed.
The Best Activities for More Endurance
When your running to the subway makes you gasp for breath, it's time for endurance training. Here are the best sports and activities for more stamina.…
Keep Your Body Flexible with Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a manual therapy for the diagnosis and treatment of functional disorders. The aim is to maintain the movement and mobility of the tissues in the…
Apply Pressure to These Two Points on Your Feet: The Effect is Amazing!
When you put pressure on these points, you get an incredibly pleasant reaction from your body!
Two points for inner peace and contentment
There are many…
This is The Best Trick Against Burnout
If you constantly have the feeling that you are overwhelmed with everything, it is time to switch off - otherwise you are in danger of burnout. This simple…
9 Simple Reasons Why You are Always Hungry
Are you hungry all the time and can't explain where it comes from? We present you 9 simple reasons that shed light on your increased appetite for sweet and…
How Long You Need to Diet to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Most people are aware that crash diets rarely lead to successful weight loss. But how long do you really have to go on a diet to permanently lose weight?…
6 Tips on How to Get Back to Sleep in The Middle of The Night
When you wake up in the middle of the night and you just can't sleep, that's frustrating. With these 6 tips, you're sure to find your way back to sleep.…
Bach Flower Remedies: What is That Actually?
The Bach Flower remedies are based on the assumption that all physical illnesses are due to disturbances of the mental balance. Each state of mind is associated…
What You Need to Know about Zinc
What do you think of when you hear the keyword zinc? Maybe old bathtubs, ointment for wounds and burns or neon-coloured sun protection for the lips? Zinc is…