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The Fastest Way To Get An Incredible Bikini Body
Running, swimming, cycling - now starts with a classic workout. Or even better: combine them so that your body is in top shape all round.
Start now!
What Can Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Do?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focuses on the human being as a whole with all circumstances of life. He is healthy when the two opposing poles Yin and Yang…
5 Simple Tricks to Eat Less
You know what it is like: we don't really want to eat that much and in the end the plate is empty, we've had more and feel totally bloated. But there are tricks…
Is Obesity Genetic? The Surprising Result of a Study!
Fat parents, fat children - a formula that a study now proves. According to the study, obesity is not only dependent on the eating habits of the child, but also…
With This Simple Trick You Automatically Eat Less
Stop eating after one cookie? No way. With the help of a simple trick that a US study has now determined, this will no longer be a problem.
You have…
11 Ways to Get Rid of Sore Muscles
Sore muscles unfortunately does not mean that we have trained effectively - but that we have put too much strain on our muscles. What helps against sore…
4 Tips to Improve Your Running Technique
There is probably no better endurance training than running in the fresh air. How you can optimize your running training, we will tell you here.
1. Carry…
Best Workouts for Your Body Type
Why does the training not bring positive results? Maybe because you're doing the wrong exercises. We will show you which movements suit your body shape.…
Does Exercise Increase or Decrease Hunger?
Exercise has a positive effect on your body - in a double sense. Not only does it get your figure in shape, it is said to reduce the feeling of hunger.…
Headache Relief: This Miracle Drink Makes Headaches Go Away
There are several medications for headaches. However, if you want to use natural remedies, you should try the following miracle drink.
Whether it's a…