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Fatty Liver: The Consequence of Poor Nutrition?
People who drink too much alcohol often have a fatty liver - but other causes can also be behind a fatty liver. How fatty liver develops, when it is dangerous,…
4 Easy Exercises For Tight Breasts and A Beautiful Decollete
Today the stomach has a break. We work one floor higher: these exercises ensure a tight chest and a beautiful decollete.
Let's not misunderstand each…
How to Pick The Best Running Shoes
The most important thing in training is the running shoes. Therefore they should be in optimal condition - and stay that way. The most frequently asked…
Urinary Incontinence: 9 Tips to Get Your Bladder Under Control
Urinary incontinence can have various causes, which every woman should clarify for herself. 9 tips for people with bladder weakness to make life easier.…
Chickenpox: Overview, Causes, and Symptoms
The varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox. You can get more information on symptoms, infection and treatment of the chickenpox disease here...…
Shingles (Herpes Zoster): Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Shingles is the second disease after chickenpox virus infection. Shingles usually occurs decades after infection with the virus. You can find all about shingles…
Blue Light: Controversial Glow
Blue light plays an increasingly important role in our everyday lives. Studies show: It also affects our health...
Smartphones, wafer-thin tablets,…
How to Preserve Your Vision as You Age
We see worse with age - all of us. But there is a lot you can do to keep healthy eyes for as long as possible. The best anti-aging tips to protect the important…
All About Presbyopia
Which treatments help with presbyopia, from glasses to contact lenses to laser - and why the term "presbyopia" is wrong. A detailed look at presbyopia ...…
How to Choose the Perfect Sports Bra
When doing sports, a well-fitting bra is at least as important as the right shoes. What do I have to look out for in a sports bra?
Why do I even need a…