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Chickenpox: Overview, Causes, and Symptoms
The varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox. You can get more information on symptoms, infection and treatment of the chickenpox disease here...…
Shingles (Herpes Zoster): Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Shingles is the second disease after chickenpox virus infection. Shingles usually occurs decades after infection with the virus. You can find all about shingles…
Blue Light: Controversial Glow
Blue light plays an increasingly important role in our everyday lives. Studies show: It also affects our health...
Smartphones, wafer-thin tablets,…
How to Preserve Your Vision as You Age
We see worse with age - all of us. But there is a lot you can do to keep healthy eyes for as long as possible. The best anti-aging tips to protect the important…
All About Presbyopia
Which treatments help with presbyopia, from glasses to contact lenses to laser - and why the term "presbyopia" is wrong. A detailed look at presbyopia ...…
How to Choose the Perfect Sports Bra
When doing sports, a well-fitting bra is at least as important as the right shoes. What do I have to look out for in a sports bra?
Why do I even need a…
The Top 5 Biggest Nutrition Myths
Do you also have one or the other phrase in your head and don't know whether it's true? Time to dispel these five nutritional myths.
1. Coffee is good for…
Are You Consuming Your Coffee Correctly?
For most people, coffee is part of their morning routine. But what if we drink it at the wrong time and it becomes ineffective? A video explains...…
Should I Eat My Placenta?
Is it really sensible to eat the placenta after the birth? Scientists warn: neither the benefits nor the risks have been researched.
The placenta: A…
Why Can’t I Lose Weight? 6 Tips to Help You Lose Weight
Sometimes it's like a spell: You do sports, eat healthy food and still the superfluous pounds don't want to disappear. Your intestinal flora can be to blame for…