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In Which Menstrual Irregularity Situations Should You Be Treated?
Menstrual irregularities can occur from time to time in every woman's life. While menstrual irregularities that occur once in a while do not create a…
Do I Have to Change My Tampon After Every Visit to The Toilet?
Most women have long known how often they have to change their tampons each day, but one question often remains unanswered: Does the hygiene product have to be…
Menstrual Cramps: Causes and Tips
Menstrual cramps are a problem for many women every month. We explain the causes and how you can get rid of them.
What are menstrual cramps?
Many women…
What to Expect at Your First Gynecological Exam, Step by Step
The first visit to the gynecologist after the pregnancy test at home - quite exciting! Here you can find out what to expect there.
Why a gynecologist?…
Spotting Instead of Period: Causes and More
If spotting occurs instead of the period, this does not necessarily mean something bad immediately. You can find out the possible causes here!
Irregular Periods: Causes and Tips
An irregular period is not that unusual. We reveal what affected women should know about it and what can be done about it.
What is an irregular period?
How to Delay Your Period Naturally
It is inevitable: once a month we get our period. So that it doesn't come at the most inopportune moments, we have tips for postponing it for you.
If you…
Menstrual Cup: An Alternative to a Tampon?
Some women have discovered the menstrual cup as an environmentally friendly and inexpensive alternative to sanitary towels and tampons. How does it work?…
You Can Do This for Chest Pain During Your Period
Do you suffer from chest pain every time during your period? You can do that against the annoying feeling of tension!
Two out of three women suffer from…
5 Things You Should Avoid During Your Period
During your period, your body is under constant stress. In order not to burden yourself even more, you should better avoid these 5 things.