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The 6 Workouts That Burn The Most Calories
For most people, training is synonymous with hard work - but that doesn't have to be the case. Here are 6 workouts that consume the most calories and are still…
Learn to Ice Skate in 5 Easy Steps!
From exclusive sport for the nobility to popular sport: you too can easily learn to skate with our five simple steps.
Learning to ice skate: The…
Training Schedule for Women: How Do I Start?
Whether you want to lose weight, have a firm bottom or a flat stomach: a training plan for women helps you to achieve your goals. We help with the…
5 Fitness Exercises That You Can Do in Bed
You want the maximum training effect with minimum effort? Then try one of the following 5 fitness exercises for which you don't even have to get out of bed.…
Back Exercises: This Workout Will Make You Fit
With our back exercises you can strengthen your back and prevent back pain without much effort. We will show you how you can do an effective back training at…
How to Get Rid of Hip Fat?
The most common problem in women is fat in the buttocks (hips). The reason for this lipoidosis is usually genetic.
The hormone estrogen in women causes…
Ways to Get Rid of Fat in The Belly
The fats around the waist and belly are difficult to dissolve. In addition to long-term sports, it is possible to get rid of the fat in these regions with a few…
6 Movement for Strong Muscles
Nowadays, many different factors ranging from intensive work pace to unhealthy diet reduce our body resistance. Decreased body resistance leads to weakening of…
10 Rules To Be Considered While Walking
The weather has warmed up. It's time to walk, to be in nature. Walking is good for both the soul and health. Walking in nature has become a form of treatment.…