Ginger against bad breath | The strong magic bulb

Nausea, muscle pain, dizziness: The list of symptoms ginger is supposed to help with seems endless. But is ginger effective against bad breath?

Miracle cure ginger?

Ginger is a real magic bulb: not only does it give dishes and drinks a pleasant spiciness, it is also known for gently alleviating various complaints. Studies show that the pungent substances and essential oils contained in ginger can help against nausea and nausea. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich around Thomas Hofmann have now discovered another practical property of the tuber: ginger helps against bad breath.

That’s why ginger helps against bad breath

According to scientists, the concentration of the enzyme sulfhydryl oxidase 1 in saliva increases 16-fold within a few seconds when ginger is consumed. The pungent substance gingerol in ginger is responsible for this effect. The task of the salivary enzyme is to break down malodorous compounds containing sulphur in the mouth. On the one hand, this ensures that the otherwise long-lasting aftertaste of certain foods such as coffee is reduced. “It also makes our breath smell better,” explains Hoffmann. In the future, ginger could be used to combat bad breath, for example by using gingerol in oral hygiene products.

And how can I now use the sharp tuber against bad breath – which is especially practical when you can’t brush your teeth? For example with tea! For the preparation you need:

  • Two to four grams of fresh ginger
  • Hot water

Simply plane the ginger into narrow slices and pour the water over them. Let the tea steep for about five minutes. As a general rule, the longer ginger tea is brewed, the sharper it gets! By the way, any food preparation with ginger is also good for the figure: 100 grams of the tuber have just 80 calories or 335 kilocalories (kcal.).

There is also an alternative for on the go: ginger chewing gum! For example, if you feel a little nausea before an important appointment, ginger-flavoured chewing gum can gently relieve it. In addition, chewing gum itself should have a relaxing effect.

Citric acid also influences the oral flora

Hoffmann and his team also investigated other foods for their effect on so-called dissolved molecules in saliva and bad breath. In addition to ginger, citric acid also has an effect on our oral flora. More precisely, the so-called sodium ions: The juice of the lemon increases the flow of saliva – and thus also the amount of minerals dissolved in saliva. As a result, the sodium ion level rises and we perceive food as less salty.

Careful, salt!

From this discovery a tip for the future preparation of the recipes with lemon juice can be derived: Those who use it for cooking or baking should be careful with the salt. Although we perceive the salt taste less because of the citric acid, Germans eat far too much salt anyway:

  • Women consume about 8.4 grams of salt per day
  • Men about ten grams

The German Nutrition Society, on the other hand, recommends a maximum amount of six grams of salt per day. In this case, it may be a little less for your health.

1 Comment
  1. Charli Smith says

    Flat Coke and a breakfast of eggs, or Taco Bell, depending on how early you are waking up to this hangover.

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