Get Rid of Excess Oil on Your Skin in 3 Steps!

It is quite annoying that the bright image that oily skin suffers from and that make-up spoils the durability. There are also care recommendations for oily skin and should be applied regularly. We have compiled solutions to get rid of excess oil on your skin.

With the right skin care and applications, it is possible to get rid of excess oil on your skin. You can try oily skin care to get a bright but also smooth matte finish. Here are our suggestions…

1. Cleaning

cleaning for oily skin

Oily skin should also be cleaned in the morning and evening. You can get rid of excess oil with cleaning using the right products. For this, you can use water-based and gel cleansers produced specifically for oily skin. You can also neutralize excess oil while tightening your pores with oil-balancing tonics.

2. Clay Mask

clay mask for oily skin

A product that sounds like a medicine for oily skin is a clay mask. The clay mask, which you will apply once or twice a week, instantly cleans the excess oils. Removes existing black spots and tightens pores. In regular use, it also minimizes the risk of black spots and oily. You enjoy tight pores.

3. Moistening

moistening for oily skin

It is a misconception that moisturizer should not be applied to oily skin. Using a small amount of oil-free water-based moisturizers helps to balance the oil in oily areas. You can also apply the moisturizing and oily peelings once or twice a week, depending on your needs and the oily skin on your skin.

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