Get Rid of Back Fat: This is How The Fat Pads Disappear

Fat pads on the back are harmless, but annoying. Although we can’t burn back fat specifically, these tips will help you reach your goal faster.


A good posture is half the battle, so get straight! Straighten the sternum and tense the back muscles by pulling the shoulders low and the shoulder blades back. Keep your abdominal muscles tensed as well, so you automatically stand and sit more upright.

Go to the border

If you want to burn fat, you have to put a shovel on it during training. Endurance training is great for burning fat, but there is more to it than that: If we go to our performance limit in short, intensive intervals and take a short break in between, our body burns up to 200 calories more after training than after a moderate workout. For example, you can include an interval workout in your running lap.

Targeted training

During your workout, concentrate on exercises that strengthen the back, shoulder and oblique abdominal muscles. The more muscles you build up, the more fat your body burns. So don’t be afraid of strength training! If the inhibition threshold for push-ups or pull-ups is too high, try the alternatives we show you in the box below the article. Exercises for a better posture can also work wonders.

Try out Yoga

Even though strength and endurance training is the key to success, yoga also boosts fat burning – at least if you choose a dynamic yoga form that makes you sweat. In our Yoga Special you will find an overview of many different yoga styles.

Eat the right food

Just as important as training is a healthy diet if we want to reduce our body fat. Avoid ready meals, be economical with carbohydrates, fat and sugar – and instead build all the more protein into your diet. Always good: ginger (boosts the metabolism), fibre (makes you feel full for a long time) and lots of fresh vegetables. Try one of these recipes!

Distract skillfully

Granted, this tip doesn’t burn fat. But whether we feel comfortable depends on our clothing. Before you squeeze yourself into too tight bras or jeans, buy a size bigger! Avoid tight-fitting fabrics and rather go for cuts that caress the body. These women betray their styling tricks.

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