Foods That Cause Gas in Babies

Studies show that foods that cause gas in mothers increase the risk of gas in babies. However, there are some foods that are at the top of the list of foods that make summer in babies and are likely to cause gas in almost every baby, so it is useful to be careful when giving them to our baby.

Gas formation and expulsion is a normal occurrence in all humans. Experts who accept that it is normal for a person to pass gas between six and twenty times a day on average, state that the process of passing gas is healthy i

n babies, just like in adults. However, babies who are not accustomed to foods as adults and do not move as much as adults, especially in the newborn period, have trouble digesting some foods, which brings gas problems. Preferring foods that cause gas in newborn babies can make the gas removal process, which can be considered normal, painful and painful.

Foods that cause gas in babies

Of course, each baby’s development and digestive system are unique. However, it is useful to try some foods, which are known as the most gas-producing foods in babies, in small quantities when trying for your baby for the first time. As the baby grows, solid foods added to his diet can increase gas formation. However, it is very important to distinguish between painful gas and painless gas. If your baby burps after feeding but does not show any signs of aches or pains, there is no need to worry.

Foods that break down more slowly, such as beans, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.) and other high-fiber foods are at the top of the list among foods that cause gas for a baby. But these foods are rich in nutrients and fiber and are an essential part of your little one’s diet. It may take some time for your little one’s digestive system to get used to these foods, which is a very natural process. If your baby is in pain, vomiting, restless or has blood in his poop after eating these foods, you should definitely consult your pediatrician.

One of the most effective ways to balance the consumption of high-fiber foods and gas in babies is to ensure that they consume plenty of water. Drinking enough fluids will also prevent constipation. In order to cope with the gas problem during your baby’s getting used to solid foods, you can benefit from products such as gas-relieving thermal booties and support your baby’s peaceful sleep.

Vegetables that cause gas in babies

While adding vegetables to your baby’s diet, preparing vegetables one by one instead of mixing different vegetables together, instead of preparing soup or puree, also helps to be alert about vegetables that cause gas in babies. In this way, after a while, after introducing your baby to a new vegetable, it will be easy to determine whether that vegetable causes more than normal and painful gas pains in your baby.

If you are looking for a list of foods that cause gas in babies, beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, oatmeal, carrots, onions will come to the top of the list of vegetables. However, since each baby’s digestive system is unique, it should not be forgotten that this list is a general list and other vegetables may cause sensitivity in your baby.

Fruits that cause gas in babies

Fruits as well as vegetables have an important role in the nutrition of babies. When adding a new fruit to your baby’s diet, it is useful not to mix it with different fruits, to try the new fruit alone and to see if the baby feels uneasy after this new fruit.

It is possible to count fruits such as orange, plum, pear, apricot, peach, grapefruit at the top of the list of fruits that cause gas for babies. However, just as with vegetables, some babies may have a special sensitivity to certain fruits. The best way to detect this is by observation.

Shouldn’t the baby be given gas-producing foods?

While experts state that gas formation is normal in babies, they also point out that it is not right not to give the necessary nutrients to prevent gas formation. If you have detected a vegetable or fruit that causes painful and painful gas problem in your baby, you can add small amounts to his diet, support him to do leg exercises to help him get rid of gas, and benefit from products such as a gas relief thermal belt.

It will not be the right choice to deprive the baby of especially fibrous foods, as the problem of burping will return to normal as the age progresses and the movements increase. However, if your baby is constantly crying, writhing in pain and exhibiting restless attitudes, you should definitely talk to his doctor and arrange his diet accordingly.

Even if babies switch to solid foods, purees of vegetables and fruits, they continue to breast milk or bottle. Since this situation can cause gas formation as a result of swallowing air, it should not be forgotten that among the things that cause gas in babies, there is also drinking milk or water with a bottle. It would be beneficial to use a bottle that prevents gas formation, instead of identifying vegetables or fruits as the culprit of the gas problem that occurs when switching to complementary foods.

How to help baby with gas problem?

Although you research what causes gas in babies and remove the foods that cause gas in your baby from his diet, some babies may have a chronic gas problem and this can bring very painful days for both the baby and the parents. In such cases, keeping a food and symptom diary can help determine if certain foods increase your child’s symptoms.

Symptoms of gas include flatulence, bloating, mild abdominal discomfort, crying, and burping. If you are finding certain foods that cause your child to experience these symptoms or feel uncomfortable, it is best to discuss this with their pediatrician.

If your baby is still breastfeeding, the mother’s feeding may also cause gas formation in the baby. It will be beneficial for the breastfeeding mother to consume a lot of cold drinks, to be careful while consuming foods such as cabbage, onions, root vegetables, which are at the top of the list of foods that cause gas in breastfed babies, and to stay away from acidic carbonated drinks.

While researching which foods cause gas in babies for your baby, it is useful to pay attention to the consumption of foods such as chocolate, tea, dairy products, soda, fried foods if you are breastfeeding. The fact that these foods do not cause gas in you does not mean that they will not affect your baby. While tracking gas formation in your baby and keeping a nutrition diary, keeping a list of what you eat can help you get through the process more easily.

Foods that cause gas in babies with colic

Since some babies’ bodies are more sensitive, they may experience more gas problems than normal. The list of foods that cause gas in newborns and foods that cause gas in colic infants consists of green vegetables. If the mother continues the breastfeeding process after detecting the vegetables and fruits that cause gas in the baby in colic babies, the nursing mother can drink chamomile, ginger, linden, fennel and chicory teas. Such drinks will reduce the formation of gas and allow the gas to be easily expelled.

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