Fitness at Home: The Best Program!

Perfect fitness at home – without aids: This workout tightens the body and stimulates the fat metabolism with endurance exercises.

Why we should train at home

Those who want to tone their body do not necessarily have to go to the gym to see a professional trainer or to expensive yoga classes. There is also an excellent opportunity to implement a training plan at home – and free of charge, too. Fitness exercises can train your stomach, legs, buttocks, a workout strengthens your endurance. But be careful: In order not to give in to the comfortable couch and your favorite series, you should consider fixed dates to integrate the sport into your everyday life. Your health and body will thank you for it!

Exercising twice a week for 20 minutes will help you burn calories and generally get fit and healthy. But before you start looking for suitable training plans on the net or via video, you should consider what your goal is: Do you want to improve your fitness, build muscle – for example, your triceps with push-ups, your legs with squats or your abs with sit-ups – or simply lose weight? There is a suitable exercise for every goal. All in all, for beginners a mixture of strength and endurance is recommended, combined with the right diet.

You must pay attention to this

Start with a short warm-up: Do 15 push-ups on your knees and 15 conventional knee bends – making sure that your heels stay on the ground. Marching around the court for a few minutes and circling your shoulders back and forth a few times.

During the endurance exercises it is important to get your pulse going properly. Don’t pause between movements, but make sure that the transition is smooth. It is best to put on your favourite music. Each exercise is only performed for a few seconds, at the end you start the choreography all over again. Beginners perform the steps for 10 minutes at first, those who are more experienced start with 20 minutes. Try to increase your speed a little each time until you last 30 minutes.

Lower legs with crunch for the belly

Lie on your back, stretch your legs upwards and then lower them as far as possible without detaching your lower back from the mat. Now raise your upper body, your arms are stretched out long backwards. Continue breathing fluently. Will you fall into the hollow back? Then put your fingertips to your temples and lift your legs a little higher. It will be even easier if you stretch your arms forward and bring your legs even higher.

Reverse-Flys with leg-back lift for back and buttocks

Lie down on your stomach and place your hands next to you, clenched in fists – knuckles pointing inwards, elbows up, eyes on the ground. Now release your fists from the floor, pull your shoulder blades towards your spine and lift your stretched legs. While exhaling raise your hands in several mini-movements. If you can’t do it anymore, bend your knees by 90 degrees.

Push-up for chest and triceps

Go into the push-up, put your knees up and lift your bottom a little. Your thumbs touch and your fingers point forward. As you exhale, stretch your arms, and as you inhale, bend them until your nose is about 10 centimeters above the floor, with your upper arms close to your upper body. If the posture is too strenuous, raise your bottom so that your thighs are vertical.

Ground oars for the back

Lie on your back, lift your bent legs and cross your feet. The upper arms are on the floor, the lower arms point vertically upwards. Tilt your pelvis forward, stretch out your chest and consciously go into the hollow back. As you exhale, press your elbows against the mat so that your entire upper body comes off the mat. When breathing in, lower the upper body again slightly, but do not put it down completely. To make the exercise easier, put your feet up.

Lateral forearm support for the oblique abdominal muscles

Lie down on your right side, lean on your right forearm, press the outside of your right foot against the floor and lift your whole body. Stretch up your left leg, pass your left arm over your head. Continue to breathe fluently. If you cannot hold the position, close your legs. The exercise becomes even easier if you put your right knee on the floor. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Close legs for the inner thighs

Sit up straight with your feet up. Now press your thighs and knees against each other as hard as possible. Continue to breathe fluently. Try to keep the tension throughout the exercise.

Arm lift for the triceps

Get on your knees and make a big lunge with your right foot. Bend your upper body so far forward that you can stretch your arms backwards parallel to the floor. Now pull your arms up and towards each other in several short mini-movements. Stretch your elbows and keep breathing fluently.

Arm side lifting for the shoulder

Lie down on your right side, lean on your right forearm and pull your legs to your upper body. Make a fist with your left hand and pass it under your left leg so that the wrist is above the ankle. Now, with strength from your shoulder, raise your leg to head level and hold the position – do not put your arm down on your thigh. Change sides.

Pelvis lift for back of thigh, bottom and back

Lie on your back and pull your right leg towards your chest. Put on the left heel and lift the pelvis as far as possible. To tighten the back of the thigh even more, pull the right heel towards the head – very gently, to avoid muscle cramps. If you can no longer hold this position, place your foot closer to your body. Change sides.

One leg knee bend for thighs and bottom

Stand upright, place the left toe offset to the back left and tilt the upper body forward so that the head is in front of the toe. Bend your right leg while breathing in until your left knee almost touches the ground – come up again when breathing out. The right heel remains on the mat the whole time. If you want to simplify the exercise, shift your weight to both legs by bringing your upper body back to the middle. And repeat the exercise on the other side.

Endurance exercise: Knee-Lift

Take a step to the side with your left foot, bring your right foot up – another step with your left foot to the side, then lift your right knee up to hip level. Let your arms swing loosely back and forth. Change sides. And repeat the exercise again.

Endurance exercise: Leg-Curl

Take another step to the left side, bringing the bent arms together in front of the chest, the hands are formed into a fist. Then pull the right heel towards your bottom and pull the bent arms down powerfully. Change sides. And repeat the exercise once.

Endurance exercise: Side Leg Lift

While you step to the side with your right foot, cross your forearms in front of your chest – then lift your left leg and stretch your right arm upwards so that both of them form a diagonal line. Change sides. And repeat the exercise once.

Endurance exercise: Side Squat Cha Cha

Take a large step to the right side, placing your hands on your thighs, knees bent, feet pointing slightly outwards. Now make a short tap on the spot with your left foot, lead your right foot back to the middle and take two steps in place. Change sides. And repeat the exercise again.

Endurance exercise: Step-Back

Place the right toe behind the body and lead the upper body forward. Extend the arms straight, the left knee is slightly bent. Now bring the right leg next to the left leg again, pulling the elbows backwards. Change sides. Repeat the exercise 3 more times.

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