First Birthday: Tips for The Child’s Birthday

Your child’s first birthday is truly a very special day: Now the little one is no longer a baby but a toddler. This calls for a celebration! Here you will find tips and ideas for the first child’s birthday.

First birthday: The guests

Family members, godparents, friends from the toddlers’ group – many want to experience their first birthday. But make sure that you really only invite as many people as is good for you and your child. Sensitive children are quickly overwhelmed by many impressions, so the following applies: The child must feel good and so must you – taking care of child and guests at the same time can quickly degenerate into stress. Therefore, a small round for the first child’s birthday party is sometimes an advantage. Some parents also want to spend their child’s first birthday all alone with the child and do something nice. So that grandparents, godparents & etc. are not disappointed, you should talk about it early on.

The first birthday rituals

Rituals are important for your baby: they provide structure and orientation. Your child may not understand what a birthday party is in the first year, but he/she will understand that something special is happening and that it will receive a lot of attention. Therefore, beautiful birthday rituals can be established directly, which will also become a fixed part of the celebration on the coming birthdays:

  • Sing a birthday song, such as “Happy birthday to you” or “Long live the good life”.
  • Birthday cake with candles
  • Birthday decoration: A little decoration makes the birthday really festive! Balloons, a garland, beautiful candlesticks and colourful candles make children’s eyes shine.
  • Birthday crown, which is put on every year on the children’s birthday.

The birthday activities

For the first birthday, a program with games would be truly over the top, because even that can quickly become too much for your little one. Depending on how your child participates, a few activities can be fun not only for him or her but also for the guests. Simple games of hide-and-seek with objects or playing with balloons, for example, are incredibly exciting for the birthday child.

Tip: Use every single child’s birthday for a nice photo with your child. That way, you can capture unforgettable moments.

Gifts for the first birthday

It all depends on what is given and not how much. Too many or unsuitable toys can quickly cause excessive demands and anxiety in a one-year-old. It is best to make sure that the gifts are not too complex. If necessary, this can also be discussed in advance with the family.

Beautiful presents for a one-year-old child on his or her birthday are, for example:

  • Sandbox with moulds
  • Paddling pool
  • Doll carriage
  • Drawing toys
  • Carriage
  • Rocking Horse
  • Bobby-Car
  • Books to read aloud
  • Simple ball track

The birthday cake

On your birthday you can give your darling something special: The baby porridge he or she likes best or a baby cake (without sugar). In general, during the first year of life you should make sure that your child does not eat sugar. It is up to the parents to decide whether they want to start eating sugar directly on their first birthday. Nevertheless, you should be careful with sugar, as in the long run it can cause caries and diabetes, for example. Therefore, it is better to rely on tea instead of fruit juices.

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