Fatigue During Pregnancy: Causes & How to Fight Exhaustion

Fatigue during pregnancy is an important health problem that can be experienced frequently and should be applied to hospitals in case of experiencing it. Let’s take a look at the suggestions we have compiled to prevent the problem of excessive fatigue during pregnancy.

The pregnancy process can become quite painful due to the problems of fatigue and weakness that come with the hormonal and physical changes that the body goes through. In order to facilitate this process, it may be of great importance for expectant mothers to listen to their body by observing key points. The problem of fatigue during pregnancy can be easily solved with steps such as resting, doing light exercises, and eating a healthy and balanced diet.

What Causes Fatigue During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, many different changes are observed in the female body. The main causes of sleepiness and fatigue problems during pregnancy can be listed as hormonal, physical and emotional changes in the body. Many changes such as increased estrogen and progesterone levels, decreased blood pressure, frequently interrupted sleep, digestive problems, morning sickness, anxiety, low back and uterine pains cause extreme fatigue during pregnancy. At the same time, while the developing fetus meets the basic nutrients it needs from the mother’s body, the problem of fatigue arises in the mother’s body.

What Is Good for Fatigue During Pregnancy?

1. Get lots of rest

Although it may sound like a very ordinary advice, bed rest is a very effective method to solve the problem of fatigue during pregnancy. It is obvious that pregnancy is a tiring period, both physically and mentally. You can make your body more vigorous by going to bed a little earlier than usual in the evenings or by taking naps during the day. At the same time, these candies you will make; The need to use the sink at night can also compensate for the repeated interruptions in your sleep due to your baby kicking your stomach. On the other hand, avoid an overdose of sleep, it will make you even more tired.

2. Streamline your schedule

If you feel that your workload and other day-to-day activities are draining you, you can relieve yourself by temporarily making your schedule less intense. Asking your family and friends for support for your work that requires a lot of physical and mental responsibility in your home and professional life will help you solve your fatigue problem during pregnancy. Feel free to cancel your plans, remember that the only thing that matters during pregnancy is the health of you and your baby.

3. Do light exercises

Minor exercises that won’t tire you out, such as brisk walking, will benefit your pregnancy process by making you feel more energetic, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

4. Limit caffeine consumption

It is beneficial to reduce your caffeine consumption during pregnancy as it will disrupt your sleep pattern and affect your mood by increasing your stress level.

5. Take time for yourself

Do not forget that a healthy body, and therefore a healthy pregnancy process, goes through having a stress-free mind. Take plenty of time for yourself, relax with activities such as reading a book accompanied by calm music, and try to minimize stress in your daily life. Remember that stress will complicate your pregnancy process both mentally and physically.

6. Follow a healthy diet program

The fetus meets its basic nutritional needs from the mother’s body throughout its development. That’s why you need to have a healthy diet in order to both make your baby’s development the healthiest and to have the basic nutrients required for yourself in this difficult process in the right ratio. Especially when you stay away from sugar and caffeine because they will slow down your metabolism; You should consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Make sure to consult your doctor while creating your nutrition plan, he/she will make the right decision for you by considering the health status of your body.

7. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration is one of your body’s worst enemies, whether you’re pregnant or not. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day is one of the issues to be considered in order to prevent fatigue. At the same time, freshly squeezed fruit juices help you a lot in this process due to the vitamins they contain and the high water content.

What Foods Are Good For Fatigue During Pregnancy?

We talked about the need to follow a healthy diet program in order to overcome the fatigue problem during pregnancy, now let’s talk about the foods that are good for fatigue in more detail. Before you start, it should be reminded that only your doctor can decide on the most suitable diet for you and you should consult with him on all decisions about your diet.

  • Green leafy vegetables: Consumption of green leafy vegetables; Since they contain plenty of iron, B vitamins, protein and magnesium, they are in a very important position in solving the problem of fatigue during pregnancy. Some specific green leafy vegetables contain plenty of vitamin C, which contributes to the healthy functioning of your digestive system in iron absorption.
  • Oats: Oats are an ideal food to keep your energy levels high throughout the day. Oat bowls, which you will prepare by decorating with various fresh fruits accompanied by yogurt or milk, are both delicious and nutritious meals for you. Oats, which contain high levels of iron, B vitamins and many other minerals; It is especially effective in solving digestive problems.
  • Banana: It gives energy quickly thanks to the numerous vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates it contains. At the same time, being rich in potassium, it is good for fatigue and muscle aches; It also helps you relax mentally while stabilizing your blood sugar.
  • Nuts: Nuts that are rich in many important minerals such as magnesium, vitamin E and potassium; It also helps you stay full of nutrients.
  • Watermelon: We can describe the most important benefit of watermelon to your body as meeting the increased water need, especially in summer. In addition to its taste that is accepted by everyone, it also creates a refreshing effect with the high amount of water it contains.
  • Artichoke: Artichoke is a vegetable that winks at us as it is an incredible source of iron. At the same time, it contributes to the production of hormones and enzymes in your body with the types of B vitamins it contains.
  • Eggs: Egg consumption during pregnancy is highly recommended as it is home to many essential amino acids for your body. At the same time, an omelet with sliced ​​vegetables and cheese will offer you a fast, nutritious and very tasty meal.

Do not forget that if your fatigue problem increases during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor and that he is the only authority who can make decisions about your health. Stay healthy!

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