Face Yoga Exercises & Basic Techniques

Just like every part of your body, your face also has muscles. As age progresses, these muscles loosen and stretch, losing their tension and tightness. Relaxed muscles under the skin show itself as sagging. The use of mimics causes wrinkles with age over time. You can resort to many different solutions to prevent or eliminate the signs of aging on your face. The most trendy of these solutions is face yoga. In addition, the cosmetics industry is quite developed in this area.

Products such as anti-aging anti-wrinkle creams and anti-wrinkle serums have become very popular in recent years. In addition, there are concealer products for camouflaging, not for treatment. Surgical procedures such as filling, fat injection, botox are also frequently preferred solutions to rejuvenate the face. Of course, you can use all of these to delay or reduce the effects of aging on your face.

Well, how about trying a more natural and highly effective method? Face yoga is actually one of the youth secrets that has been used for many years. A method that prevents the signs of aging, delays the appearance of sagging and wrinkles, and makes the face more taut. A youth massage applied with your hands, where you can use moisturizing creams and serums that you choose according to your skin type and needs.

Many people have proven that this procedure is effective thanks to the before and after face yoga photos and data presented by those who do face yoga. If you do it regularly and correctly, you will definitely see the effect!

Benefits of Face Yoga

  • Before the first signs of aging appear on your face, it is the best solution to take precautions for them. With facial yoga, you can maintain your youthful and lively appearance for a long time, thanks to your actively functioning facial muscles.
  • Face yoga, when done regularly, helps you to get rid of the tiredness and stress you experience during the day. It relaxes you mentally and helps you relax.
  • You can choose a time frame preferably before going to sleep to do a relaxing facial exercise. In a dimly lit half-lit room, you can light fragrant small candles and turn on quiet music. With the aromatic oils you will put in the censer, you can have a relaxing scent accompany you. Thanks to this atmosphere, both your body and mind will relax. With facial yoga movements, you can relax your skin and make a great preparation for your sleep. Thanks to all these, your soul will be purified and you will prepare your body for sleep.
  • It helps you look younger when combined with care products such as facial cleansers.
  • It increases the amount of collagen in the skin.
  • It supports cell regeneration.
  • It makes the skin look more taut.
  • It ensures that the skin direction is upwards.
  • It helps to reveal natural skin glow.
  • It helps to recover the sagging of the cheeks due to weight gain and loss.

After learning its benefits, “How to do face yoga?” For those wondering the question, we have included some exercises from region to region.

Lip Contour Exercises

You can start face yoga exercises for lip lines by moisturizing your lips. In this way, if your lips are dry, they will not stretch during movements.

  • Balloon Movement: After expanding your cheeks as if you are inflating a balloon, you need to stay in this position. After stopping for 20 seconds, you can repeat this set 3 times.
  • Pencil: After placing a thin and flat pencil between your lips, you can move this pencil back and forth. You can repeat this process 15 times a day.
  • You can repeat this movement 20 times by placing your fingers under your cheekbones and smiling.
  • You can try to make the u sound after you curl your lips inward to cover your teeth. You should repeat this movement 15 times.
  • You should open your mouth to make it tighter and smile. You should do this move for 3 sets for 10 seconds.

Eye Area Exercises

Face yoga is also effective around the eyes. While various wrinkles can be easily removed with eye cream, various exercises you will do in this area will also lead to extremely beneficial results. It creates effective solutions for sagging eyelids, crow’s feet and wrinkles around the eyes.

  • You should place your palms on your eyebrows and stretch them upwards. You should look down as you stretch. Thanks to this exercise for eyelids, you can prevent the problem of low eyelids. You can apply this process for 1-2 minutes a day.
  • You should place your index fingers at the point where your eyebrows start and your thumbs at the point where the lip line ends. Stretch your skin in both directions by pressing. You should perform this movement for 10 seconds, in 3 sets.
  • Open your eyes as much as possible, support them from above and below with your index and thumb, keep them tense, and look straight ahead. Hold your breath at this time. Wait 10 seconds.
  • Look straight ahead with your eyes wide open. Stretch your thumbs by placing them at the corner of your eyes. Stay like this for 10 seconds and do 3 sets. This method, which is one of the facial yoga exercises for crow’s feet, is very effective.

Cheek Exercises

Face yoga gives effective results around the cheekbones and cheeks. Face yoga is also effective in cheek plumping.

  1. Inflating the balloon works your cheek muscles. After inflating the balloon well, you can leave it slightly at your lip level and blow it against the air that comes out while allowing it to evacuate. You should repeat this movement 10 times. Face yoga is effective for relieving cheek sagging.
  2. Take the tip of the handle of a medium-sized tablespoon between your lips. Move it up and down and hold it in this position for 2 seconds when the spoon comes to the up position. Repeat this movement 15 times and do it in 2 sets. Thanks to this movement, you can feel your cheeks and chin area tightening and recovering.
  3. If you want to create dimples with face yoga, you can do a smile exercise. After smiling, hold your position for 10 seconds and repeat in 3 sets. Another method is the cheek exercise. For this, think that you are eating a sour lemon, press your lips together and do this movement for 15 seconds. You will notice that this movement works the muscles in the dimple area. Repeat in 3 sets.

Neck Exercises

  • After positioning your head back so that your neck is fully stretched, you should blow kisses into the air. This exercise will work your neck muscles. It is also effective on the lower cheek muscles. You can repeat 3 times in sets of 20 seconds.
  • Sit with your back straight and tilt your head back slightly. Hold this position for 10 seconds with your tongue touching your upper palate. In this way, you can work the upper part of the neck, also known as the jowl.

Forehead Exercises

  • In this exercise to accelerate blood flow in the forehead area and prevent lines, you should place your hands on the sides of your forehead. You should raise and lower your eyebrows after you feel the tension by applying tension on both sides. You can repeat 20 times for 2 sets.
  • Stretch your index fingers over your eyebrows and raise your eyebrows up and down. While doing this movement, your index fingers should force your eyebrows by showing resistance. Repeat 50 times. You can divide them into sets if you wish.

Nose Exercises

As the age progresses, the tip of the nose goes down and continues to grow. There are some movements to gather around the nose. Face yoga is also effective for the nose.

  • You should try to move your nostrils down. Think of rabbit noses, when they smell something, they make a downward pulsing motion. You should try to do this too. Move it downwards and release it to its natural position. Be careful not to move your lips at this time.
  • Another version of the rabbit nose gesture consists of placing your index finger under the tip of the nose and lifting it very slightly. You should move your nose wings up and down by lifting your nose in this way.
  • Find the curve of the nose and massage with the index and middle fingers of both hands by pressing towards the cheeks over this curve.
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