Excessive Sweating: These Home Remedies Help!

No sooner does the thermometer climb than the sweat runs down our foreheads. But high temperatures are not always responsible for excessive sweating. What you can do about it – we have the best home remedies!

Excessive sweating can become a problem in everyday life. In addition to diseases such as hyperhidrosis, anxiety, stress, overweight or diet can also be responsible for excessive sweat production. We have put together five effective home remedies against excessive sweating for you.

Excessive sweating: 5 home remedies that help!

1. Apple cider vinegar

One of the most effective home remedies against sweating is apple vinegar! The natural product slows down the production of sweat, regulates the pH value of the skin and at the same time fights the bacteria responsible for the unpleasant smell of sweat.

Application: Soak a washcloth or cotton wool pad in apple vinegar and before going to bed rub in those areas where you sweat most. Use several times a day.

2. Sage

Sage can also reduce sweating. It contracts the pores and thus reduces sweat production.

Application: Bring a teaspoon of sage leaves to the boil with two cups of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then let the brew cool down and rub the parts of the body where you sweat particularly heavily.

3. Wheatgrass

Another home remedy against sweating is wheatgrass. It contains vitamin B, which controls body temperature and reduces excessive sweat production. At the same time it flushes toxins out of the body.

Application: Stir one teaspoon of wheatgrass powder into approximately 200 millilitres of water or juice and drink. Two to three times a day.

4. Lemon

Lemon works like a natural deodorant without aluminium against sweat and body odour. The acid it contains regulates the production of sweat and odour.

Application: Halve a lemon and rub it into the armpits. Wash off the lemon juice after 20 to 30 minutes. Use once a day.

5. Sodium bicarbonate (Soda)

Soda eliminates the bacteria responsible for the unpleasant smell of sweat. It also absorbs sweat.

Application: Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with water in such a way that a mushy consistency is obtained. Apply the mix under the armpits and rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes. It is best to do this once a day.

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