Excess Coffee Consumption Increases Risk of Myoma (Fibroids)

Women under 35 who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day have a higher risk of myoma, experts say. Insidious progressive fibroids are one of the most common health problems in women. Research shows that the use of caffeine triggers the formation of fibroids (myoma).

Fibroids, which are one of the common problems in women, are tumors that develop from the muscle layer of the uterus and are generally benign. The main symptoms of fibroids are abnormal changes in the woman’s menstrual cycle, a feeling of pressure in the inguinal region, intestinal unrest, difficulty in urination, frequent urination or incontinence, back and low back pain, painful sexual intercourse, palpitations, weakness and anemia.

The Cause of Uterine Fibroids is Estrogen Hormone

Estrogen is a factor that triggers the emergence and growth of fibroids. Therefore, more common fibroids in the 15-45 age range are expected to shrink to the extent that they are lost by entering the menopause period, that is to say, with the end of fertility.

Fibroids Can Grow Rapidly until the 12th Week of Pregnancy

Because of the increase in estrogen until 12 weeks of gestation, fibroids exhibit rapid growth, but this growth tends to cease after 12 weeks. Treatment can be managed by evaluating the patient at the end of the postpartum period.

Fibroids Can be Controlled with Personalized Treatments

If the patient does not have any complaints, regular follow-up is usually sufficient. However, different methods can be used to solve bleeding related problems within the scope of emergency treatment. In addition to these treatments; pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs, medicated spirals, needles that make temporary menopausal effects, birth control pills and new group of drugs at the molecular level are also used.

Coffee Consumption Can Cause Myoma

The probability of recurrence of fibroids in patients with fibroids is close to 10 percent. As a result of these patients ‘ 10-year follow-up, 45 per cent of them underwent uterine surgery. Risk factors for fibroids (myoma) are:

  • Age (+40)
  • Early menstruation (10 years)
  • Family history
  • Obesity, hypertension
  • Not having given birth before
  • Making her first birth at a late age
  • Coffee consumption
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