Do You Have The Summer Blues?

Ever heard of summer sadness? It’s actually a disease that mostly affects women. What’s behind the summer blues and what helps.

I got that summertime, summertime sadness.

Well, how about the melancholy catchy tune of Lana Del Rey? Obviously the artist was inspired by a clinical picture in this song – because the so-called Summer Sadness really exists, as Italian researchers found out with the help of a study. Especially women over 35 suffer from this summer blues – and develop depressive moods, panic attacks and a disturbed eating behaviour. Some women drown their bad mood with alcohol excesses. But how does Summer Sadness come about in the first place?

Stay away from me with that light!

The explanation for the summer blues is as amazing as the disease itself: We suffer from an overdose of light. Experts explain it like this: Long-lasting, strong brightness penetrates through the eyes to the brain, where it disturbs the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. If this hormone is out of balance, we not only sleep worse, but are also in a worse mood.

These 5 signs point to a summer blues

You’re not sure if you have the summer blues? Then check if you suffer from the following complaints:

1. You do not sleep well

As already mentioned, brightness influences the production of melatonin. This can cause various sleep disorders: some women lie awake for a long time because of low melatonin levels, others wake up several times during the night and still others get a real energy boost just before bedtime. This is where it helps best to reprogram the body to sleep at night: Two hours before bedtime, you should turn off electronic media. The mobile phone is banned from the bedroom – the blue-wave light it emits has been proven to disturb sleep. Rituals also help the body to rest: For example, a tea with various sleep-inducing herbs like valerian or hops is good for you.

2. You are not hungry

Granted: when it’s hot outside, most people have very little appetite. But if you suffer from the summer blues, you can hardly get anything down even when it’s cloudy in summer. Because: The body is then permanently under stress. And a high stress level disturbs the digestive system. The best tip against that: You should not concentrate on the three classic big meals – they only burden the stomach. Instead, small, healthy snacks spread throughout the day help to absorb enough energy. Vegetable sticks, fruit such as pieces of melon and nuts are suitable, for example. Also make sure you drink enough: up to three liters of water a day is optimal in summer.

3. You feel exhausted (for no reason)

Everything is going well at work, you actually have enough time for friends, family and me-time – and yet you feel tired and exhausted all the time? This also suggests a generally increased stress level, which is caused by the summer blues. The best thing to do now is to listen deep inside yourself – and only do what you really want to do. Dare to cancel an invitation if you don’t feel like it – and instead treat yourself to a quiet evening, for example, by going to bed early.

4. You would like to avoid everything

When the sun is shining and the temperatures are high, we usually feel compelled to go outside and do something. You would rather sit in the pleasantly air-conditioned living room? Understandable, because who likes to sweat in overcrowded subways or fight for their place in the open air pool with elbows? The good alternative is to shift activities to the evening hours when it’s not so hot anymore. And do without public transport or the car – bicycles, the now approved e-scooters or, for short distances, your own feet will get you to your destination just as well. And you save yourself unpleasant cuddling with possible seat neighbours in the full train.

5. You long for autumn

Everyone moans at the thought of the approaching autumn and the usually associated bad weather – only you take a leap in the air? This is an unmistakable sign that the summer blues have gotten to you. A tip for all those who can’t wait: Mark every day on your calendar – and do yourself some good in early September. Then you’ll be able to get back into the groove!

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