Decreased Urine Output in Infants

When evaluating the amount of urine output produced by the baby, it should be evaluated according to objective data. If the baby urinates in light color and wets the diaper 5-6 times a day, this amount is sufficient.

However, families may not realize that they do it 5-6 times if the baby’s diaper is less open, and they may think that they are not doing it because the urine color is light. However, in babies who urinate in a dark color, the amount of urine may decrease even if they do it 3-4 times.

Insufficient fluid intake

The most important reason for the decreased urine output in infants is insufficient fluid intake. In this case, the best treatment is to ensure that the infants take more fluids and to increase the frequency of breastfeeding in a baby in the first 6 months. If the mother does not increase the amount of urine even though she breastfeeds more frequently, that is, she still urinates in dark color, then the breast milk may not be enough.

In this case, breast milk support may be required. The best indicator to distinguish this is the baby’s weight gain. The baby’s weight gain in the first months is shown in the growth curves. Babies who gain weight faster in the first 3 months experience slower weight gain between 3-6 months. As long as these normals are known, it is possible to distinguish whether the decrease in the baby’s urine is related to the lack of breast milk.

May have kidney disease

Although the most common causes of decreased urine volume and darkening in infants are related to nutrition, another reason may be kidney disease in infants. Because kidney diseases can lead to a decrease in the amount of urine. For example, a condition that makes a flow in the urinary tract called the posterior urethral valve difficult in boys causes little urination in boys. If not intervened in time, it can lead to enlargement of the kidneys and bladder and permanent damage to the kidneys.

For this reason, it is very important to closely monitor the amount of urine in infants. However, while evaluating this, it is important to interpret according to objective indicators.

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