Caffeine Shampoo: Does It Help against Hair Loss?

Caffeine shampoo is advertised as an effective remedy for hair loss. Whether it really helps and what alternatives are available, you can find out here.

Caffeine Shampoo: Background

  • Caffeine has the reputation of waking you up and giving you new strength for the day. Not for nothing do millions of workers drink coffee to get through the working day.
  • For many years, there have also been special caffeine shampoos on the market that advertise successfully combating hair loss. Slogans like “noticeably more hair” or “stop hair loss” naturally attract the interest of those affected.
  • After all, hair loss is not a marginal phenomenon. Every second man in his 50s has at least to struggle with receding hairline or isolated light spots. And for many women, hair loss is not without its problems.

Caffeine shampoo: Does it work at all?

  • Fact is the proven effect of caffeine shampoos has not been proven. However, it is also a fact that there are still no sufficient studies on concentration and effect on the scalp.
  • Research has shown that caffeine, when applied directly to the hair root, can stimulate cell growth. However, the effect of shampoo applied to the scalp has not been sufficiently proven. As a result, the effect of caffeine on the hair can neither be clearly affirmed nor denied.
  • Since caffeine shampoo is not sold as a medical product but as a beauty product, such scientific evidence is not required. At least the shampoos do not harm the hair and can be used as a supplement to hair care.

Procedure for hair loss

It is important to recognize hair loss in time and to search for the causes. If you simply use shampoos and other beauty products for your hair, you can lose valuable time to stop hair loss really effectively.

If the hair loss is hereditary, only medication can help properly. Diffuse hair loss in isolated areas, such as receding hairline or on the sides, can have many causes:

  • Problems with the thyroid gland
  • Changing-of-the-pill
  • Symptoms of deficiency
  • Diseases

An appointment with a dermatologist can give you more information about the causes.

Tips for use

  • Since caffeine shampoo can basically be used to support against hair loss, here are a few tips. First of all, you should know your own skin type. Because shampoos can quickly cause skin irritation in dry hair and sensitive skin. Especially if they are left on for too long. However, you should not leave the shampoo on for less than two minutes, otherwise the hair roots cannot absorb the active ingredients properly.
  • Another important point besides the correct application time is regularity. If you are hoping for any effect from the caffeine shampoo at all, then you need to apply the shampoo regularly over a longer period of time. If used irregularly, the caffeine in the hair is broken down very quickly and the hair loss cannot be stopped.
  • Anyone who uses caffeine tinctures must also ensure that they are allowed to work for as long as possible and then wash out the hair well. Caffeine tinctures are higher concentrated caffeine extracts.
1 Comment
  1. Charli Smith says

    Get enough sleep, drink 8-10 glasses of pure water a day, cut out greasy food and sugar. Introduce greens, fruits and veggies, whole grains into your diet. Lean protein balanced with healthy carbs, not empty ones.

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