They are extremely unpleasant, but pimples on the butt are harmless. You can find out how to get rid of them here.
Causes for acne on the butt
- Synthetic textiles
- Abrasive clothing
- Welding
- Clogged pores
- Unhealthy nutrition
- Hormonal fluctuations (e.g. puberty or pregnancy)
In men, pimples on the bott can also often be caused by ingrown hair.
It helps with butt acne
You’re not helpless against those ugly pimples. These tips and remedies will show you what you can do:
- Sea salt: Sea salt has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Use it as a peeling or a pack.
- Healing earth: It opens clogged pores and has a wound healing effect. Apply the healing earth as a mask and let it work for a few minutes. (Healing earth can do even more – you can also wash your hair with healing earth, for example).
- Zinc: Zinc also has an anti-inflammatory effect and can be applied as an ointment to the relevant areas.
- Peeling: A peeling removes dead skin cells and helps to avoid blocked pores.
- Breathable clothing: Underwear in particular sits directly on the buttocks. Synthetic fabrics are not breathable, so it’s better to use the tree-wall version.
- Avoid chafing: Not only the type of textiles, but also a too tight fit can promote pimples on the bottom. If you often have problems with pimples, wear clothes that are looser fitting (and breathable) if possible.
- Balanced diet: What we eat every day also has an influence on our skin. In short, be careful about your balanced diet.
Squeezing butt pimples. Don’t!
Even if you are tempted, literally keep your hands off the pimples! You may end up making it worse, because by pushing around, bacteria have an easier time penetrating the skin. The result can be a more severe inflammation.
When you should go to the doctor
If the above tips do not help, if painful pimples keep coming back or if purulent inflammations occur intermittently, you should consult a doctor at the latest.