Boost Your Metabolism with Autumn Diet

In these days when we say goodbye to the summer months, if your desire to eat is increasing, this autumn diet is for you.

Have Breakfast

Starting the day with breakfast eliminates both the acceleration of metabolism and fatigue and weakness that autumn gives to the person. It should also be noted that breakfast is the most important meal for people with weight problems.

Do Snacks

Intermediate snacks such as dried fruits, biscuits, fruit will boost metabolism. In addition, because blood sugar does not drop and stay balanced, you will consume less food at the next meal.


Take as much time as you can for sports. If you don’t have time, activate the day. In this way, both your metabolism will remain alive and you will be able to consume the foods you want more easily during the day.

Don’t Eat Late

Be careful not to leave your dinner after 8pm. If you are going to eat dinner after this time, consume meat salads , chicken salads or cheese salads.

Drinks For Autumn

[mks_highlight color=”#81d742″]Green Tea:[/mks_highlight] Green tea, one of the best healthy drinks, can be consumed two cups a day, especially in autumn.

[mks_highlight color=”#81d742″]Lemon Balm Tea:[/mks_highlight] It is known that lemon balm tea, which has antiseptic properties, should be consumed by people with irregular sleep problems in autumn months. One cup per day is sufficient. You can also reduce the risk of autumn fatigue by consuming lemon balm tea, which makes digestion easier, relieves the stomach and prevents you from experiencing stomach gas.

[mks_highlight color=”#81d742″]Linden Tea:[/mks_highlight] For individuals suffering from headaches in autumn, linden tea, stomach secretion by reducing the digestion of food easier. During the day you can consume 1-2 cups of linden tea.

[mks_highlight color=”#81d742″] Chamomile Tea:[/mks_highlight] Chamomile tea, which has a relieving effect, is a beverage that should be consumed by individuals suffering from stomach pain and digestive problems. People who suffer from constipation due to spring fatigue and irregular life should drink one cup of chamomile tea a day.

Stay Away from Desserts

Although seasonal depression is short, people do not pay attention to their nutrition during this period. Because they want to spend this period by consuming food. In this case, the first choice is especially desserts. Each individual may consume dessert, provided that they do not exaggerate. The important thing is the amount and frequency of it. Although milk desserts in particular are more recommended because of the calcium contained in them, consuming very little of sugary desserts may be another alternative. 1 day a week, especially when you are active or sports, you can consume dessert.

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