Blue Eye Makeup Tutorial: Tips and Tricks

No matter whether green, brown or blue eyes – with the right make-up, every eye color can be made to shine. We explain to you how you can make up blue eyes.

Make-up is not just about matching your make-up to your skin type or hair color. The color of the eyes also plays a major role in the choice of eye shadow, eyeliner & co., especially when it comes to eye make-up. We have the best make-up tips on what colors you can use to make up blue eyes and explain step-by-step what you need to pay attention to.

Makeup for blue eyes: It fits well

Complementary colors are ideal for making up blue eyes. They make the natural eye color shine. These include:

  • Earthy colors like terracotta and apricot
  • Delicate nude tones and soft shimmering rosé nuances
  • Dark grey and brown tones
  • Champagne shades such as white and beige
  • Metallic colors like gold and silver

Also in the matter of Smokey Eyes you don’t have to hold back with blue eyes. Dark grey or brown tones are suitable here. Here we explain what you have to pay attention to when applying Smokey Eyes make-up. By the way, mascara gives blue eyes even more depth.

You should avoid this

Hands off eye shadow in colors like black, blue, purple or green. These compete with your own eye color and rob the iris of its glow. If you apply violet make-up to blue eyes, you only risk that the make-up will look like a violet. With blue eye shadow, the eye color is also lost in the make-up. You still don’t want to do without aqua tones in your eye make-up? Then you can accentuate blue eyes with an eyeliner or some mascara in turquoise or navy blue.

You should also avoid the black kohl pencil on the lower waterline. Better: a nude-colored Khol Kajal or a fine line on the upper lash line.

Applying blue eyes: Daytime makeup

During the day you can use warm nude or brown tones for blue eyes.

  1. First apply eyeshadow in gold or light brown tones to the movable eyelid.
  2. If you like it more intense, draw an eyeliner in a dark brown on the upper lash line.
  3. Emphasize the lower lash line with brown kohl and smudge well with a cotton swab.
  4. Finally, vigorously apply black or brown mascara to the lashes.

You can complete the look with a gloss or lipstick in pink and apricot blush.

Evening makeup

In the evening, you may apply make-up to blue eyes in brighter colors. Smokey Eyes are ideal here.

  1. Apply eyeshadow in shimmering beige or white to the eyelids up to under the eyebrows.
  2. Now shade the eyelid crease and the outer movable lid with a darker grey or brown.
  3. For the Smokey Eyes effect, apply an anthracite-colored kajal to the upper lash line and blur.
  4. Dab the eyelashes and the party-look is ready!
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