Biting Nails is a Sign of This Personality Trait

You think nail-biting is a sign of nervousness? Then you’re wrong. Because this bad habit suggests the following personality trait!

As a study published in the “Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry” has now found out, nail-biting indicates perfectionism. Yeah, that’s right. Author Dr. Kieron O`Connor is certain: “We believe that people with this behavior might be perfectionist, which means that they are unable to relax and perform tasks at a normal pace.

What is behind nail-biting?

For their study, the psychologists selected 48 participants who were observed in a wide variety of situations. It became clear quite quickly that the vice of nail-biting became apparent when the test persons were under stress or frustrated. “These people find it difficult to relax or to complete a task at a normal speed. They become more frustrated, impatient and unsatisfied when they don’t achieve their goals. They are also easily bored,” the scientists concluded.

Tips against the habit

In fact, nail biting is not such a bad habit, after all, it drains the energy that would otherwise turn into frustration or stress. Nevertheless, nibbled off fingernails do not look nice of course. To get rid of the tick, you can try the following:

  • Use special varnish against chewing: There are tinctures that are specially made for nail biting and taste particularly bitter.
  • Pack nail file and scissors. Just in case of temptation …
  • Artificial nails or manicure: Who wants to ruin their beautifully made fingernails themselves?
  • Chewing gum against stress.
  • It may sound funny, but it’s helpful: vent your chewing anger on just one single fingernail. The others will thank you for it.
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