Best Areas for Botox

Botox, which has an important place in the anti-aging industry for 30 years, draws attention with its different application areas. We explain the mechanism of action of Botox, in which regions it is used and innovative applications in this area…

Behind Botox injections lies a neuro-toxin that interferes with the communication of muscle cells. With the reduction of muscle activity, less contraction of the muscle, the facial expression lines and wrinkles that occur due to this are lightened or even erased.

Over the years, it has been revealed that botox is effective not only in the treatment of wrinkles, but also in different areas such as creating a lift effect in the chin area and lightening the vertical lines on the neck. If you wish, let’s discover in which areas and in which treatments botox is used.

A more restful expression

Frowning eyebrows give you a worried look. When you involuntarily frown, you also prepare the ground for the formation of lines between your two eyebrows. A tiny dose of botox injection to be made between the two eyebrows will paralyze the muscles in this area and give the face a more restful and serene expression. To put it more clearly; Botox injection in the deep lines between the two eyebrows is the gold standard.

A smooth forehead

The area where Botox injections are most used is the forehead area. One of the first signs of aging seen in people with overactive forehead muscles is the wrinkles and lines in the forehead area. The most effective way to prevent them is to have regular botox injections. If these injections are started at a relatively later age, the lines will be clearly visible even when you are not mimicking. An intervention at an earlier age allows these lines to be brought under control before they occur.

Young looks

Since the eye area is a sensitive area, it is one of the places most affected by the harmful rays of the sun. On top of this, when the activity of the muscles that cause the eyes to squint every time you smile, it is inevitable to form fine lines called crow’s feet around the eyes. Botox injections are the most effective treatment for wrinkles around the eyes. Botox temporarily prevents the contraction of the mimic muscles, making it possible to create a smooth appearance in the treated area.

An energetic look

With age, eyebrows and eyelids begin to sag. This change in the eyebrows gives the person an older and tired look than you are. Eyebrows and eyelids can be lifted up with a small dose of botox injection. This gives the person a much more energetic and youthful appearance. The gold standard is to create a lift effect in the eyebrows with botox injection in those with low eyebrows.

An attractive neck

One of the places where Botox is effective is the vertical lines on the neck. The neck has a thinner, more sensitive skin compared to the face, so one of the first places where signs of aging are seen is the neck area. Thanks to a technique also known as Nefertiti Lift, vertical lines that become evident with age and extend from under the chin to the neck area can be erased and their appearance can be lightened. With Botox injection, it is also possible to recover the sagging under the chin, which affects the beauty and clarity of the neck, and to create a lift in the jaw line.

A feminine jawline

You can also get help from botox injections to have a more feminine face. A hard, angular chin gives the face a stern and masculine appearance. Botox injections can also be used to soften this look and give the face a more feminine expression. By injecting a tiny dose of botox into the chin muscles, the activity of the muscles in this area will be alleviated, and the chin area will have a softer, feminine appearance.

Attractive teeth

Do your gums show too much when you smile? The secret of having an attractive smile may also be hidden in botox. Although many people do not realize it, they clenched their jaws and grind their teeth at night without realizing it. This is a problem that damages tooth enamel and threatens the health of teeth. A small dose of botox injection to the jaw muscles is extremely effective in preventing this problem.

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