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Beauty & Care
What to Expect During Your Rhinoplasty Recovery
People considering rhinoplasty wonder the answers to many questions before the operation. So, when should rhinoplasty be done? When does the nose sit in place…
PRP for Hair Loss: Does It Work and Is It Safe?
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) stands for platelet rich plasma. PRP, rich plasma injection is widely used in cardiac surgery, orthopedics, urology, skin and hair…
5 Ways to Deal with Dry Skin
In the cold winter months, we observe that the dryness of our skin increases. In addition to dryness on the skin, we begin to feel symptoms such as flaking and…
How to Minimize Your Large Pores, According to Dermatologists
Large pores are a problem for many people. There are some factors that cause this. So, how do large pores shrink? How to treat large pores?
What are pores?…
Foods for Oily Skin: What to Eat And Avoid
The main cause of oily skin depends on the genetic makeup of the person. However, it can be due to many reasons such as age, place of residence, season,…
3 Ways to Get Rid of Moles on Face Naturally
Moles can appear on most parts of our body. However, since the moles on the face are more visible, they disturb us. In a healthy skin, these cells are evenly…
Everything You Need to Know About Smile Design
In order to keep your smile natural and healthy, aesthetic methods come to the fore in this field as well. So, what is smile design, how is it done? Who can…
Laser Hair Removal: Everything You Need to Know
Now is the best time for hair removal, which promises permanent results instead of applications such as waxing, which takes women's time and sometimes even…
All Types of Skin Spots and How to Treat Them
What are spots on the face and skin, what causes skin spots, what types are they and how are they treated? How about looking at the answers to these questions…
BB Cream 101: A Complete Beginner’s Guide
BB creams moisturize while protecting the skin; it protects against the harmful effects of the sun while reducing wrinkles; acts as a foundation while reducing…