Back Pain During Pregnancy: These Tips Help!

Pregnant women have a lot of weight to carry. No wonder your back goes out at some point. You can read about what helps with back pain in pregnancy here.

As beautiful as a baby’s tummy is, as the weight of your baby, the amount of amniotic fluid and the placenta increases, your muscles will suffer more and more. Especially in the last trimester, many expectant mothers have pain in their lower back, i.e. in the area of the lumbar spine and sacrum. Fortunately, these complaints disappear after the birth by themselves.

Weight and hormones are responsible for back pain during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is therefore not uncommon. The main reason for this is the shift in your body’s centre of gravity: the bigger your tummy gets, the more you move into the hollow back to compensate for the extra weight. This puts a particular strain on the rear structures of your spine. The small vertebral joints are compressed and can cause pain, says Dr. med. Matthias Soyka in his book “Dein Rückenretter bist du selbst” (Your back saver is you). At the same time, the pregnancy hormones ensure that the ligaments become softer to prepare for the birth. This also affects the joints of your pelvis, which become more unstable and more susceptible to stress. Symphyseal pain, i.e. pain in the front part of your pelvis and problems with the sacroiliac joint (at the back) therefore occur more frequently during pregnancy.

What to do about back pain during pregnancy?

The good news is that you don’t have to torture yourself with the pain for the rest of the pregnancy. In addition to treatment by an expert doctor, tried and tested home remedies and alternative healing methods can also provide relief.

Warmth does good

Warmth helps with tensions and relieves pain. If you suffer from back pain during pregnancy, you can put a hot water bottle, a cherry pit cushion or a heating pad in your back. A relaxing bath is also good for many expectant mothers with back problems. At the same time the water relieves your muscles. But be careful: Please do not bathe too hot! Otherwise it can cause contractions. It is recommended not to bathe warmer than 38°C.

Move! Yoga and gymnastics against back problems

To prevent it from getting that bad in the first place, you should keep your muscles going as a precaution, for example with gymnastics or yoga courses especially for pregnant women. Swimming is also good for you and your muscles because you can feel as light as a feather in the water.

If you want to give your back a short break, you can simply lie on your back and put your feet on a chair at a 90 degree angle. We also recommend the cat-cow exercise. For this you go into the four-footed position and alternately do a cat hump and a hollow back. Do the exercise slowly and with flowing movements! Above all, this will loosen up tensions.

Relaxed Sleep

Whether in bed in the evening or taking a nap in between: put a positioning or nursing pillow between your legs. This relieves your back muscles. A pillow in the back can also be very comfortable. Just try out what is good for you.

A massage please!

We are happy about a gentle massage even in the non-pregnant state, but in other circumstances it is especially good! Your midwife can show you and your partner how to do some hand movements or let a physiotherapist treat you. A pleasantly scented care oil provides the wellness effect. So feel free to let yourself be pampered from time to time!

Alternative healing methods for back pain during pregnancy

In addition to various globules and Schüssler salts, acupuncture and osteopathy can also be an alternative for severe back pain. Many midwives have additional training in acupuncture, so that your midwife can also treat you at home on the sofa in a relaxed manner.

Symphyseal Belt

If the area above the pubic bone hurts, it is usually the symphysis that is to blame. In addition to ostheopathy and calmness, a symphysis girdle provides relief. You can easily get a prescription for this from your gynaecologist.

Preventing back pain during pregnancy

To prevent back pain during pregnancy, there are a number of preventive measures you can take. Even if the belly grows and grows: regular exercise during pregnancy is extremely important. Of course, you don’t have to become a competitive athlete, just 15 minutes of walking a day is enough.

Also pay special attention to your posture:

  • do not simply stand up from a lying position, but stand up over the side
  • bend your knees when lifting heavy objects, at best avoid heavy lifting completely
  • consciously pay attention not to fall too much into the hollow back

When should you go to the doctor?

If you suffer from severe pain, you should not experiment with medication under any circumstances, but always consult your doctor. Not every medicine should be taken during pregnancy. If you do, you could have serious consequences for your baby.

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