A Spoon Can Help You Sleep Better!

A small metal spoon is a wonder weapon against insomnia – try it yourself!

How a spoon can relax you!

The trick with the spoon is as simple as it is versatile: you can use this method to develop unusual, creative ideas or even determine the ideal length of a nap. Above all, the spoon trick allows you to see exactly how overtired your body is and whether your sleep deficit is already causing you permanent damage.

Here’s how it works:

  • Sit relaxed on a chair or armchair. Take a tea spoon or tablespoon in your hand and close your eyes.
  • Relax and listen to yourself. You will soon have many thoughts and problems running through your head that are currently occupying your mind. This is normal and is part of the process. Try to ignore these thoughts and switch your head to “pull through”.
  • Soon you will feel your breath slowing down and you will relax. You may even fall asleep at some point. And suddenly the muscles in your hand will involuntarily relax so much that the spoon will clatter on the floor.
  • Now you have to quickly look at the clock – how many minutes did it take you to reach this state of deep relaxation?

How overtired is your body?

The longer it took you to do this relaxation exercise, the better! Just check which category your result falls into:

  • 5 minutes or less: Your body is highly overtired and shows strong signs of exhaustion! You need to catch up on sleep as soon as possible before this deficit causes permanent damage – if this hasn’t already happened!
  • 5-10 minutes: You’re overtired and should take care of yourself. Maybe you even sleep long enough, but your body sleeps restlessly and cannot replenish the necessary energy? Over the next few days, try to sleep more and get more rest – before you suffer from deficiency symptoms.
  • 10 – 15 minutes or longer: You do not need to worry: You’ll get plenty of sleep and your body won’t show any signs of exhaustion.

Small spoon, big benefit

As mentioned before: This method has many possible applications! Artist-legend Salvador Dalí used the state of relaxation to come up with new, unusual images that appeared in his mind’s eye – and which he quickly put down on paper after the rattling spoon brought him back to reality. And: If you use this technique during your lunch break, you give your body the ideal “intermediate relaxation” to gain new strength – in contrast to a long nap, which only makes you more tired!

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