Do You Know This Miracle Cure for Cellulite?

Pineapple is considered a real vitamin bomb that has a positive effect on health. And that’s not all: the enzyme bromelain it contains boosts fat burning and helps against cellulite.

Does pineapple help you lose weight?

The pineapple has various healing powers: eating the fruit, which is rich in vitamins and minerals, has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it stimulates digestion and fat metabolism, making the pineapple a practical helper against excess fat and cellulite. The enzyme bromelain splits and inhibits the tissue hormone bradykinin, which results in the reduction of water retention in the tissue.

Especially practical: The exotic tropical fruit has hardly any calories, no protein and little fat. In order to incorporate pineapple into your diet, it is recommended to take pineapple water.

Pineapple water as a miracle cure for cellulite

If you want to fight cellulite, you should try pineapple water. Important: Drink the first glass in the morning on an empty stomach. In the course of the day you should drink at least two, but only a maximum of eight glasses of it. You can do the pineapple water cure for 15 days – after a one-week break, repeat the whole thing until you see results.

All you need is half a pineapple and one litre of water. Peel the pineapple and put the diced pineapple into a large jug, which you fill up with the water. Leave to stand overnight – et voilà: Ready is the tasty slimming product and cellulite fighter.

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