This DIY Sun Tanning Oil Gives Us The Most Beautiful Tan Ever

Lying on the beach with a tan? Summer Goal! But how do we do that best? We have a secret recipe.

Sure, there are so many more important things than getting a nice tan. But, if we are honest, for many of us there is nothing more beautiful than feeling like a sun goddess. Tanned, radiant skin and a great complexion. That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? We have the secret weapon with which you can do it without any problems – and you can even do it yourself. Influencer Huda Kattan gave away her recipe on her blog.

DIY Tanning oil – What you need

  • 3 teaspoons vitamin E oil or carrot oil
  • Approx. 100 ml jojoba oil
  • Approx. 100 ml grape seed oil
  • Approx. 100 ml coconut oil


Mix all the ingredients together; make sure that the oils are best cold-pressed. If you like, you can use the eyeshadow or highlighter to make a fine powder and also add it to the mixture. Then fill the whole thing into a spray bottle and the DIY sun oil is ready. Before use you should shake the oil vigorously and of course (!!!!) apply a sunscreen beforehand. Because this is not contained in the homemade oil of course.

DIY vs. purchased

The chosen oils contain many antioxidants and also moisturize the skin. The healthier and more moisturised the skin, the stronger the tan. It also lasts much longer. Conventional sun oils do not contain as much care and other oils – in addition, the homemade version is relatively much cheaper. So, just try it out!

By the way: Due to the reflection of sunlight on the skin we also get a tan much faster than without oil. But this also increases the risk of getting sunburned. Therefore, never forget sun protection! Otherwise it will end badly. And by evil we mean red…

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