6 Kinds of Tea That Help Us Lose Weight

We know several healthy foods that help us lose weight. But what about drinks? With these teas, the pounds will drop!

1. Mate tea

Everyone knows mate tea by now – but did you know that the Latin American tea is also a good way to lose weight? Besides the minerals and vitamins, this is mainly due to the caffeine and saponins it contains, which get the metabolism going and thus help burn calories. By the way: in the past, tea was used to suppress hunger.

2. White tea

White tea tastes milder than other teas because it is less processed than its black and green counterparts, but has twice as much power. Its ingredients not only have a firming effect on the skin, but also directly on the fat cells. These are stimulated to store less fat and release it more quickly by the active ingredients assigned to the polyphenols. Well, cheers to that.

3. St. John’s wort tea

St. John’s wort tea is not only said to have an antidepressant effect, but also a weight-reducing effect. The reason: St. John’s wort stimulates the body’s own happiness hormone serotonin and thus works against ravenous attacks. It is therefore a great help against a low motivation level that most of us experience from time to time during a diet.

4. Oolong tea

Oolong tea is the optimal tea for all dietary friends. The secret of losing weight: the saponins contained in this tea help the body’s own enzymes to break down fats, which are then excreted from the body unprocessed. As with mate tea, caffeine also helps to boost the metabolism. In China it is therefore common practice to serve the tea with fatty foods.

5. Ginger tea

Ginger tea has numerous positive effects on the body: it detoxifies, boosts the metabolism and stimulates digestion. In addition, it revitalises, relieves nausea and supports the immune system. It is therefore an ideal companion for people who are on a diet and are struggling with the odd low motivation.

6. Green tea

For those who want to lose weight, green tea should be a daily companion to the diet. Because the bitter substances contained in tea have an appetite suppressant effect and reduce the desire for sweets. The caffeine also has an invigorating effect and increases the energy metabolism. The catechin contained in the tea reduces the absorption of fat in the stomach and intestines.

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