15 Incorrect Information About Hair Care

A lot of the information you think you know about hair care is actually completely wrong. We’ve compiled them for you. Here are the 15 most common myths about hair care …

Too Often Haircuts Provide Hair Growth

Haircut makes hair healthy and makes it look better because it’s free from dead tips. But it does not make any contribution to its growth. Hair grows out of roots, not tips!

If You Use The Same Shampoo, It Will Lose Its Effect Over Time

This myth is being told so much that almost everybody started to believe. Shampoos do not lose their effect over time. So you do not have to constantly change your shampoo. What you need to pay attention to is that it should be the product that best suits your hair and at the same time appeals to you.

If You Pluck Out White Hair, Your Hair will Grow a lot Bigger

Plucking out white hair does not cause more hair growth. But it can irritate a follicle. An irritated follicle causes hair to lose its health.

Shampoo, Rinse and Repeat!

Shampooing your hair once is definitely enough, you don’t have to repeat it. Repeated ritual causes hair to wear out.

Hair Should be Brushed From Roots to Tips

Brushing is a good way to rescue your hair from clutter and should be repeated frequently to make them healthier. But brushing from roots to tips can cause too much hair breakage, especially if hair is wet. On the contrary, it should start from tips and gradually go to roots.

The Sun is a Healthy Way to Turn Hair Color

The sun’s rays change the color of hair naturally. But contrary to popular belief, it is not healthy. Because the rays of the sun can damage very delicate hair skins. They wear down follicles and even dry hair.

Specific Products Repair Hair Breaks

At this point it must be discovered exactly what caused breaks. If there is a problem in your hair skin or your health, these products will not be useful.

It is Very Good to Brush Your Hair 100 Times in the Night

Contrary to popular belief, brushing your hair 100 times a night will not cause them to grow healthier or faster. Hair brushing helps to accelerate blood circulation in the hair skin and stimulate the follicle.

When Hair is Released Downwards, Its Growth Accelerates

This is an ancient belief and it is claimed that growth of hair will accelerate because hair skin will be able to breathe. But this is not true. Releasing hair will cause hair oil to come into contact with a face and eventually cause acne.

Foods of Animal Origin are Better Protein Sources for Hair

It is only a myth that animal source foods such as meat and milk are more beneficial than plant foods for hair growth and its health. On the contrary, proteins from vegetables are better for hair.

Hair Doesn’t Grow After a While

There is a belief that when the hair reaches its potential length, it will not grow further. However, when you take care of your hair, when you feed well, when you prevent its wear, your hair will grow as much as you want. Your nutrition is very effective on hair health. So you have to eat nutrient-rich foods.

White Hair is Caused by Stress

Stress doesn’t cause hair to whiten. It’s about your genetics and DNA that your hair will whiten at what time and at what density.

Cold Water is Good for Hair

Even though most hair stylists recommend it, it is not true that cold water is better for hair. Extreme hot water has negative effects on hair, but cold water has no positive effect on your hair.

A Ponytail Prevents Dandruff

This belief based on the fact that when you gather your hair you will cast less dandruff. It may be true when you look at it this way, but it doesn’t prevent dandruff, it just prevents it from falling out.

The Best Moisturizers are Made from Foods

If you believe that olive oil, beer or mayonnaise will make your hair healthier than cosmetic products, think again. These foods can cause excessive oiling and cause the smell of your hair to worsen. So it is better to use cosmetic products for your hair.

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