Birth Rituals Around The World

Great traditions that are supposed to sweeten mothers’ having children. Here we introduce you to the beautiful ideas that exist in other cultures and countries.

Turkey: Gifts and cosiness

After the birth, the man gives his wife a gold bracelet or gold chain as a present. When the young mother comes home, a beautifully decorated puerperium bed awaits her. During the first few days she receives only visitors from the close family circle.

Greece: Gold babies

Here the children are gilded. Relatives and friends put gold coins in the baby’s cot on the first visit – in the modern version, banknotes also do so. According to superstition, this should give the child a life rich in money.

India: Jewellery for the little ones and honey

In India a sweet birth ceremony welcomes the baby: The father draws a word with honey on the baby’s tongue or simply puts honey in its mouth. Soon after birth, girls are pierced ear holes and given golden earrings. The precious metal is said to protect them from diseases and evil spirits.

Australia: Birth Photography

Down Under it is common to book a photographer for the birth. The photographers are on call around the time of the birth to reach the hospital or the home of the expectant parents. Then photo reportages are made in the delivery room. Australians swear by the authentic and human moments that are captured.

Africa (Togo)

The babies stay in the house the first seven days. And before the family leaves the house for the first time, the roof must be ritually watered with a herbal water. If the water drips down, mum and dad carry their child outside. This ritual is meant to make the child strong and prepare it for everything that can happen in life.

Russia: Caution, pregnant when touched!

According to an old superstition, when Russian women touch the belly of a pregnant woman, they can quickly become pregnant themselves. Pregnancy is considered contagious here.
Moreover, it is a tradition in Russia that a father gives money to the nurse who gives him his child in his arms for the first time. This is supposed to bring the child health and prosperity.

China: Mom wellness

Chinese women are pampered by the whole family after giving birth. Tradition demands that newly-born mothers do not leave the house for a month. Some women also go to a centre for postnatal care, a kind of wellness temple for mothers. Meanwhile, grandparents and other relatives take care of the household so that the mother can recover and take care of her baby.

Massages for mom? We want that too!

In many cultures, pregnant women are traditionally pampered with soothing massages. Like in Jamaica, where midwives do this with herbs and oils during childbirth. Or in Japan, where the so-called Hara massage is supposed to bring the unborn child into the right position before birth. We could also take over such a wellness factor after baby showers and family rooms in here, couldn’t we? 

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