7 Triggers for Headaches That You Never Suspected

Anyone who suffers from headaches frequently will eventually know the reasons for the pain. We’ll tell you seven triggers that we never thought of.

1. Skipping breakfast

You think skipping breakfast will do your figure any good? It’s not – on the contrary! Studies have shown that the first meal of the day awakens the hunger for healthy food and stops ravenous appetite attacks. Researchers have also found that skipping breakfast is the third most common cause of headaches.

2. Wrong food

Cheese, wine and chocolate may make one or the other person feel happy, but they can also be the source of annoying headaches. The reason: these foods contain many additives, such as sodium glutamate, preservatives and colourings, to which many people with headaches react. So, be careful when choosing your food.

3. Teeth grinding

Many people grind their teeth at night but do not know anything about it. Teeth grinding can cause tension in everyday life, which in turn can lead to headaches. It is best to have your dentist check whether this can be the reason for constant headaches. A bite splint can easily remedy the problem.

4. Missing cuddle units

Uh, what? Yeah, they say cuddling helps with pain. One study found that the hormone oxytocin released when you cuddle can banish headaches for up to four hours. Well, if that’s not a reason to get your next snuggle session tonight!

5. Excessive sleep

Usually you get headaches from not getting enough sleep. But did you know that excessive sleep can also have a negative effect on your head? A study has shown that long sleep and relaxation periods after high stress levels are particularly common causes of migraine attacks. This could be due to fluctuating cortisol levels, to which the body reacts with pain.

6. Headache tablets

Do you regularly take ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin to make your pain level more bearable? Then let me tell you: headache tablets can be the trigger for headaches if taken in excess. The pain here is a sign that your body is already addicted to the pills.

7. Lots of perfume

Some people seem to lie down in a huge bathtub full of perfume in the morning – at least that’s what the scent suggests. In fact, these people can be responsible for giving you headaches. This may be due to the ingredients, such as benzyl alcohol, which, by the way, is also found in room fresheners.

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