Pets for Kids: Which Animal for My Child?

Most children have a desire for a pet at some point. But which animal is suitable for children and what else should you think about before you buy a pet?

“Mom, can we buy a dog?” – Kids love animals. And at some point, they usually want a little companion of their own to take care of. An animal is of course a great responsibility and a cost factor. That’s why you should think carefully before buying a pet. But how do you decide which animal is suitable for your offspring? At what age are pets sensible, and what does a pet actually cost?

Pets for kids and the desire for a little companion

Hardly any child does not wish for a hairy friend at least once in their life – a faithful companion who will go through thick and thin with them, who will listen, cuddle, love unconditionally and just be there. Children therefore usually build up a very close relationship with their pet. At the same time they benefit from having a pet at home. They learn early on what it means to take responsibility for a living being, to show consideration for others and to treat each other with respect. Pets are good for children in many ways. However, not every animal suits the child and, as with us adults, one child prefers to play with cats and the other prefers dogs. This makes it all the more important to weigh up all aspects beforehand, so that dogs, cats and co. do not end up at the shelter later on.

So you and your child should be aware that the animal:

  • ..must be fed and kept clean
  • …is a living being with feelings and needs
  • …must be kept busy
  • …responsibility means and is not a toy is to be taken out of the closet at your whim

Mucking out, going for a walk and litter box – most of the work is up to the parents

What you should be aware of before you buy a pet: Most of the work in terms of care and responsibility will lie with the parents; considering that many animals become relatively old, this can be several years. Unfortunately, many children also lose interest in their pets after some time or move out at some point, so that you are then completely responsible for the pet. Would you like that?

Which pet would suit your child and your family, you can see below:

Dog, cat, rabbit – Which pet is suitable for my child?


Cats are the most popular pets of the Germans. They are easy to care for, very clean and can spend hours on their own. Above all, you don’t have to walk a cat, but you have a cuddly cuddle partner at home, which is why most children really like the fluffy four-legged friends. In addition, cats can be kept well alone as long as they have the opportunity to go outside. In the apartment, house tigers should better live in a double pack, alone they get bored very quickly.

BUT: Since cats are very independent, they can get scratchy when children do not leave them alone. …so they’ll have to get their claws out.

Tip: Many cats wait at the shelter for a new home. If you want to get a cat, you should definitely visit the shelter.

It costs one cat a month:

  • 30 Euro food
  • 20 Euro veterinary cost reserve
  • Insured are cats in the family liability insurance

This is how long cats can live: 20 years


The second place among the most popular pets is occupied by the dog. It is even more popular with children than cats.

And rightly so: dogs are indeed the perfect pet for children (provided, of course, that you choose the right breed). Unlike cats, dogs are less willful and much more affectionate. They offer comfort, sincerely show their love and affection, love to play and build self-confidence.

BUT: Unlike cats, a dog does a lot of work. No matter if it’s stormy, snowing or pouring from buckets outside: going for a walk three times a day is mandatory. It is just as important to attend a dog school in order to receive basic training. Not to forget: Simply going on holiday is no longer possible with a dog, you should also be aware of this before you decide on a dog.

It costs one dog a month:

  • 50 Euro food
  • 20-30 Euro veterinary cost reserve
  • 5-10 Euro insurance

This is how long dogs can live: between 10 and 20 years, depending on breed and size


An aquarium provides a good room climate, is supposed to have a calming effect and is above all one thing: suitable for allergy sufferers. Fish are also considered to be particularly easy to care for, because they need nothing but food and fresh water. Nevertheless, keeping fish also requires a certain amount of expertise, otherwise you may not enjoy the swimmers for long.

This costs fish per month: The purchase costs are 100 Euros upwards, depending on the size of the aquarium, plants and fish stocking.

Budgerigar and Cockatiel

Budgerigars are not only beautiful to look at, they even become tame with a lot of attention and warble funny.

BUT: Budgerigars are flocks. That’s why you can’t keep them alone. However, children usually don’t find birds very exciting because you can’t really play and cuddle with them. Therefore budgies and cockatiels are more suitable for older children who are really interested in birds.

That costs one budgie a month:

  • about 15 Euro per month for two animals

This is how long budgies can live: 10-15 years


Besides guinea pigs, rabbits are very popular with parents when it comes to pets for children. But these animals are not suitable pets for small children. The reason: rabbits cannot express pain properly. In children’s hands, they can be unknowingly harmed quickly. Rabbits usually do not like to be lifted and carried around either. However, if you would like to keep rabbits, make sure that the hoppler has enough room in its cage. This should be at least two square metres per animal. The same applies to rabbits: being alone is harmful to the animals. Therefore please keep them in pairs. A castrated buck and a rabbit are ideal.

It costs one rabbit a month:

  • about 15 Euro per month

How long rabbits can live: 10 years

Guinea pig

The small fluffy rodents are as popular with children as rabbits. Unfortunately, the same applies to guinea pigs as rabbits, which is why these animals are not suitable pets for small children. Apart from that they are just as easy to care for as rabbits.

That costs one guinea pig a month:

  • about 10-15 Euro per month for food and vet

How long guinea pigs can live: 4-8 years

Mice and rats

The rodents are great playmates and usually become quickly tame. Mice and rats are quite uncomplicated in their keeping – apart from food and water they only need a few hiding places and nesting possibilities. Since rats and mice are group animals, these animals should not be kept alone.

It costs rats and mice a month:

  • about 10-15 Euro per month for two animals

How long rats and mice can live: 2 years


Because hamsters are so tiny and totally cute, they are very popular with children. The only problem is that they are nocturnal and sleep all day, while they get frisky when everyone else is asleep. During the day the little rodents, which are usually loners, are rarely seen. Children therefore do not get much from the animals. They also only live to be 2 or 3 years old.

That’s what hamsters cost a month:

  • about 10 Euro per month

How long can hamsters live: 2-3 years

Pets for children: Which animal for allergy sufferers?

Unfortunately there are no sensible alternatives for families with allergies. Even animals with little hair trigger allergic reactions. That’s why hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs should not live in households with allergies – especially since sawdust, hay and the like are also a nightmare for people with house dust allergies. But then maybe an iguana is a good alternative for families with allergies? Unfortunately not. Although reptiles come without the nasty hairs, they are so demanding in their keeping and care that they don’t belong in children’s hands. Turtles, on the other hand, excrete salmonella, which can lead to severe diarrhoea in children.

If a family member suffers from asthma or allergies, a pet is not recommended. In most cases, hyposensitisation, i.e. immunisation against the allergens, does not help. On the contrary, it is not unusual for cross-allergies to occur.

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