Pueraria Mirifica: What It Is and What It Can Do

The medicinal plant with the name Pueraria mirifica, which takes some getting used to, is regarded as an effective therapy in the menopause. What is it?

What is actually Pueraria mirifica?

Pueraria mirifica (also called Kwao Krua Kao) comes from Thailand and is, although relatively unknown, already available as cream, body lotion, gel, oil, powder, soap or as capsules. In Thailand, the tuber is mainly known dried and ground. Pueraria mirifica is said to be a kind of fountain of youth for men and women, to reduce wrinkles, to bring energy and drive – there is no firm evidence for this, however. And the medicinal plant is also said to have a positive effect on menopausal symptoms. The medicinal plant is said to improve menopausal complaints.

Pueraria mirifica in the menopause

Pueraria mirifica contains the phytoestrogen miroestrol. These secondary plant compounds have a similar structure to the estrogens belonging to the female sex hormones. In a study conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Thailand in 2004, 48 female volunteers who were in perimenopause and postmenopause were divided into two groups. One group received 50 mg of Pueraria mirifica per day, the other 100 mg of the plant per day, for a total of over 6 months. 37 participants took part until the end. Result: Although the menopausal symptoms could be alleviated in the test subjects, the scope of the study was far too small and a placebo group was also missing to provide really meaningful results. Therefore, it should definitely not be used without medical advice!

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