Spring Fatigue: That’s How You Get It Under Control!

Spring fatigue – many people struggle with it. But how does the phenomenon arise in the first place and what can we do against the constant fatigue?

What is spring fatigue?

No sooner have we survived the winter depression and its annoying effect on our psyche than many people fall directly into the next seasonal low: Spring fatigue makes us sleepy and weak. The climate change in spring is responsible for this: when it gets warmer, the body reacts by dilating the blood vessels and lowering the blood pressure – we get tired.

Get out of hibernation!

Usually spring tiredness occurs when it has already been a few days warmer. The body needs some time to adjust to this. It becomes difficult if the heat is not constant, but cold and warm periods alternate – the instability confuses our organism and causes the tiredness to come back again and again. Spring fatigue is not really measurable.

What are the exact causes of spring fatigue?

Spring fatigue is not only caused by climate change alone. These factors also play a role:

  1. The melatonin level: In winter, the level of the “sleep hormone” melatonin is particularly high, which makes us even flabbier. It only drops slowly in spring.
  2. Light intensity: If we get more daylight, the hormone balance is stimulated and releases more endorphins and serotonin. Although these hormones have a mood-lifting effect and make us active, they also ensure that we are exhausted more quickly.

Who has spring fatigue?

Often affected by spring fatigue:

  • Weather sensitive people
  • People who suffer from chronically low blood pressure
  • Elderly people
  • Chronically ill people

The best tips: What helps against spring fatigue?

So that we don’t spend the whole spring getting annoyed by the symptoms of spring fatigue, here are some of the best tips we can use to relieve the fatigue:

Boost your metabolism with ginger

Drink several glasses of ginger-honey water in the morning. This is prepared very quickly: Just bring half a litre of water to the boil, add three slices of ginger and add honey and lemon to taste.

Shake off inertia with alkaline-rich nutrition

Too much meat, cheese, sugar, alcohol and white flour cause the organism to suffer and promote spring tiredness. Instead, rely on alkaline-rich foods such as wholemeal bread, potatoes, apples, pears, cucumbers, spinach, nuts and cold-pressed oils.

Banish the tiredness with exercise in the sun

You can boost your circulation even without an ambitious sports programme. Get the bike from the cellar, oil the chain and from now on you can simply cycle to work, shopping or the daycare centre.

Treat your skin to a vital treatment against springtime tiredness

Winter has not left our skin untouched either. It is dry and pale. Thalasso, the therapy from the sea, helps the cells to renew themselves. The quick solution: alternating showers or a bath in sea salt. For a full bath you need about 250 grams of sea salt (you can get it at the pharmacy). Alternatively, you can treat yourself to a Thalasso treatment in the spa.

Extend the sauna season

Sauna is only for cold winter days? Not at all! Especially in spring the body has to cope with changing temperatures. And that is best trained in the sauna. An additional advantage: your strengthened immune system will definitely fight off the first spring cold quite casually.

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